Consistency Leaves the Competition in the Dust

consistency leaves the competition in the dust

One of the hallmarks of successful people is that they are consistent. They forge routines that, from the outside looking in, don’t seem so incredibly hard to do. But what does make those routines SEEM HARD is that they engage in them day in and day out.

Daily Success Habits force you to be consistent and that puts you on autopilot for success.

When Stephen King, author of Carrie, Cujo and many other blockbuster books, is writing a book, he will consistently write at least two thousand words a day for three months at a clip. He will write on weekends, holidays, even Christmas. Two thousand words a day works out to about ten pages a day. After three months, his first draft is complete.

My sister-in-law, who has a body of an eighteen year old, runs virtually every day. She’s been doing that for more than thirty years. In 2015 she began a one hundred day challenge in which she would run every day for one hundred days.  

She is a mother with two children and has a demanding full-time job.

There are days she can only run a mile or two. She does the one or two miles, no matter what. 

She has not missed one day of running since she began her “100 Day Challenge”.

Running one or two miles a day might not seem hard. Running two miles a day, every day for many years. however, is very hard.

If you want to be successful, you need to develop daily routines that move you forward in achieving your dreams and your goals. And you need to consistently engage in those routines even when you don’t feel like it. Over time, those who are relentlessly consistent, will outperform or outcompete or outgrow those who are not.

Consistency leaves your competition in the dust.

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