Marketing Analytics Challenges: 6 Tips on How to Solve Them

4. The Challenge: Analytics Software Can Be Expensive

Over time, the data you record and analyze can be extensive. Some marketing professionals use Microsoft® Excel® spreadsheets. It’s affordable and suitable for monitoring small campaigns.

Unfortunately, as your data grows, spreadsheets can be difficult to manage. You may struggle to find the right information and your sheets may be clunky and slow to load.

Making the switch to marketing analytics software may be something you’ve already considered. But, it may come at a high cost with a suite of features you’ll never use.

What’s the solution?

Can you see the benefit of streamlined, automated processes, but you’re unsure if a software solution is worth the money?

The solution starts with research. You’ll also need a clear budget. How much can you afford to pay, and what features do you need?

Before you commit to a lengthy subscription, take advantage of free trials. Software companies will often have a trial that lasts for a week or month. When you try before you buy, you can decide for yourself if the analytics tool is worth the money.

During the trial, think about whether the software fulfills your needs. Can it help you meet your goals?

If there isn’t a trial available, you can read customer reviews. Compare different options and plans side by side to eliminate tools that don’t match your budget.

Make sure that you choose a reputable software company with a clear privacy policy.

5. The Challenge: There’s Too Much Data

These days, we all want more. It’s easy to assume you can’t have too much of a good thing. But when it comes to data, sometimes too many details can hinder your marketing efforts.

Overwhelming amounts of information can leave you with too many unrelated niches to target. Sorting through that data can take time.

You may even forget to focus on customer relationships and behaviors as numbers and statistics become your primary concern.

What’s the solution?

If you’re concerned that you have too much data, it’s time to go back to basics. Simplify your data collection and analyze only what you really need. A hundred lines of targeted data will be much more valuable than a thousand lines of irrelevant data.

When you focus on the right data, you’ll have more valuable insights into your marketing campaigns.

Don’t get us wrong, big data can help you optimize your marketing campaigns. But only if it’s relevant.

6. The Challenge: Your Data is Inaccurate

Another challenge marketers face is inaccurate or incomplete data. For example, data may be collected with missing fields or without attribution.

There may also be missed opportunities for reporting, such as incorrect tracking links. When you have inaccurate information, your marketing analytics will be watered down.

When you don’t have all the data, you won’t be able to create accurate goals or measure your success. You need to be able to rely on your data.

What’s the solution?

To help fix this issue, you should make sure any new data records are added correctly. For example, you can include mandatory fields on your website forms.

You may need to delete portions of the data if it doesn’t contain anything valuable that you can use.

You can also take advantage of free online tools. Regardless of whether you’re using marketing analytics software, Google® Analytics can give you additional insights. It has a range of tracking and planning features to help you set achievable goals.

When you create marketing campaigns, you should use unique URLs. You want to know the who, what, where, why, when, and how. You can also analyze your URLs to understand what works and what doesn’t.

Trackable, unique URLs and other data collection methods will help you answer these questions:

  • Who is visiting your website?
  • What are they looking for?
  • Where are they coming from?
  • Why are they staying or leaving?
  • When are they visiting your website?
  • How did they find you?

You may even find you’re spending too much in one area and not enough elsewhere. Successful marketers understand that this information is worth its weight in gold.

Solving Marketing Analytics Challenges

Marketing analytics is worth pursuing if you want to improve your marketing and spend your money wisely.

While analyzing data can be invaluable for your business, there are a few challenges you may face.

In this guide, we gave you a list of six marketing analytics challenges and how you can solve them. Lack of infrastructure, lack of skills and experience, expense, excess data, and inaccurate data all made the list.

Are you ready to take your small business to the next level? Browse more articles like this one on the small business blog.

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