5 Tips as You Begin Planning Your Estate


While no one wants to think of their own passing, it’s crucial that you plan well for your estate. This is the best way to ensure your assets go to those you who you select. Consider these tips when you are making important decisions about the management of your money.

1. Planning Ahead

When you start your estate planning process, you should seek guidance from professionals who specialize in estate planning. You can consult with an estate attorney, financial advisor, or accountant. They can provide expert knowledge and valuable insights into the complexities involving estate planning. COVID caused one out of three people to see the need for an estate plan, but 31% of them didn’t do anything about it. Contacting these professionals can help assist with structuring your estate. You can also develop tax-efficient strategies and ensure your assets are in alignment with long-term goals. You can make informed decisions to maximize benefits and money for both you and your beneficiaries.

2. Maximize Assets

It’s essential to understand how estate taxes can impact the way your estate is distributed. The best thing you can do is familiarize yourself with the estate tax rules. This allows you to optimize your assets for your beneficiaries so they can get the most money. Estate planning takes into account the potential estate tax liability based on the value of the estate and the tax rates. This assessment helps you determine the potential impact of estate taxes. When you use proper strategies for estate planning, you can determine how to maximize deductions and exemptions to help you reduce tax liability. When it comes to estates over $10,860,000 for married couples and $5,430,000 for single individuals, any amount in excess will be subject to estate taxes.

3. Review Regularly

Life is constantly changing, and circumstances impact many things, including your estate planning. Some personal changes that can occur to affect your estate include divorce, birth, and death. You could also get married or have a change in your finances. When you review your plan regularly, you can ensure it makes sense for your current circumstances. Buying a house can cause changes to your estate plan. 47% of recent home buyers looked online for properties first, while 18% of buyers first contacted a real estate agent, according to the National Association of Realtors.

Tax laws are constantly changing, and these changes can impact your estate planning. When you review your estate plan, you can make any needed changes to reduce your tax liability. Estate planning is complex, and it’s easy to miss something or make a mistake. When you review your estate plan regularly, you can identify any gaps that may impact the administration and distribution of your assets. It would be best if you also verify your beneficiaries on life insurance policies, retirement accounts, and other financial accounts are up to date.

4. Consider a Trust

A trust is a valuable estate planning tool when it comes to managing and distributing assets. Trusts offer benefits that include avoiding probate and maintaining privacy. They also give you greater control over managing and distributing your assets. Different types of trusts can align with your goals and circumstances. Some of the trust options you can consider include revocable living trusts, irrevocable trusts, or charitable trusts. They are tools that can be used to protect your wealth, minimize taxes, and provide for your loved ones.

5. Health Care Planning

Estate planning doesn’t just consider money; it also considers healthcare decisions. You want to make plants for your long-term care and health as you age. This includes items like advance healthcare directives, appointing a healthcare proxy, and long-term care. Doing this ensures your healthcare wishes are respected if you aren’t able to care for yourself.

Estate planning is a complete process that requires careful consideration. You want to think beyond finances and consider all aspects of your health, long-term care, and money. Consider these tips as you begin to make plans for your estate and long-term care.

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