Debtfree Magazine: Our Editor’s Note

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Debtfree Magazine Issue 4 of 2022 – Editor’s Note

I don’t know about you but I think we needed these public holidays, just to relax for a bit and deal with all the bad news we have been hammered with recently.

Our hearts go out to those suffering loss due to the flooding in KZN (and the aftermath), as well as those trapped in a war in Europe. Even all the court drama between Amber and Johnny can’t distract us from the serious nature of what’s been going on recently. A trip to the shops to buy cooking oil almost competes with a trip to the petrol station these days, crazy!

Then you throw load-shedding into the mix. The word is that we might have as much as 100 days of load-shedding over the next few months.

‘Maybe Eskom have the right idea’

Maybe Eskom have the right idea though. If you become overloaded, you cant just carry on as normal, something has to change. So you shed some of the things weighing you down, could we learn to do the same?

Too much debt?

Well, maybe it’s time to reduce the monthly burden by starting debt review?

Too much bad news?

Well, maybe it is time to reduce our intake?

In this issue, we focus on how we can attempt to cope with all the bad news coming at us from every side. Don’t minimize how all this bad news is affecting your mindset and ability to be productive. Check out how we can avoid becoming overwhelmed. Rather find out how to shed some of that load.

We also share tips on how to get the most out of debt review, avoiding common mistakes as well as some financial and a little industry related news. Just to keep you in the loop.

After a quick update on the Debt Review Awards (happening in September this year), we discuss why someone might want or need to change Debt Counsellors. We look at why it might be necessary, and why we might not want to be too quick to consider this option, find out if it is even an option.

So, in the chiller days ahead, as you sit in Eskom-induced darkness, cooking your food on a stick over an open fire like an ancient peasant (or waiting for your Uber Eats delivery…whatever) consider if you could shed any excess bulk from your life. Dump that debt, ditch those negative people, shed some lockdown weight. It will not happen immediately but give it some thought, make a plan.

‘good things come to those who wait’

After all, good things come to those who wait. The first time someone tweeted to Elon Musk that he should just buy Twitter was back in 2017, and here we are. So, take your time. Enjoy some relaxing time and don’t fail to plan (or plan to fail). Keep on paying that monthly debt repayment, and continue taking steps towards being debt free.





This article first appeared in Debtfree Magazine issue 4 of 2022.

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