What to Expect in Your Initial 15-Minute Call with a FranNet Consultant

For over three decades, FranNet has been helping entrepreneurs and franchisee candidates make their business ownership dreams come true. Over the years, we’ve racked up quite a few success stories – as evidenced by our growing list of client testimonials where new business owners share their personal stories of how their lives changed for the better. Regardless of how they eventually became their own boss, at one point each and every one of them had one thing in common – they took that first decisive step to explore entrepreneurship. We know there are many more of you out there, hoping to own a business of your own someday. You just have to make that key decision.


Once you’ve decided that business ownership through franchising is something you’d like to explore, what happens next? You can reach out to your local FranNet consultant and begin your own entrepreneurial journey. Most of our clients began with a simple 15-minute phone call, an introductory session to set expectations. And if you’re ready to begin, here’s what to expect in your initial 15-minute phone call with FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma.


We’re Curious by Nature

FranNet consultants are successful because each and every one of us are curious by nature. We excel at establishing interpersonal relationships because we have a genuine interest in helping others. So naturally, in our initial phone call, we’ll be inquisitive – but not prying. It’s possible that our paths may have crossed before, maybe through LinkedIn. Or perhaps you attended one of the many seminars and webinars we give on a routine basis. Our first and foremost goal is to find out who you are – and how you got here.


Your Background Matters

Your skills, experience, and careerpath are of great interest to us. We love finding out about your educational background, as well as your particular skill sets and accomplishments to date. We’ll want to learn how your career began, what trajectory it’s taken, and how long you’ve specialized in a particular industry. Aside from just a fact-finding mission, we also listen intently to pick up clues when you’re sharing your story. For instance, are you passionate about your current job role? Is there a noticeable lift in your voice when you speak of certain things? As we continue leading the conversation, we’ll be taking plenty of notes.


What it is That You Want

Throughout our initial discovery call, what we’re really doing is working to determine what it is that you want to accomplish. Just the same, your motivations for doing so are valuable for us to know. If you’re a fit for franchising, we’ll want to know what type of future you want. Are you a 9-to-5 employee? Are you looking to establish a better future for your family and loved ones? Do you want – or need – a better work-life balance? What does your financial tolerance look like for funding and owning a franchise? Once we determine these basic motivations, we’ll want to know what type of business you see yourself owning and operating. A word of caution here – a few of the business models we may eventually explore together may not even be on your radar at the moment. But if you can keep an open mind throughout the process, we’ll provide considerable insight into the type of franchise opportunity we think you’re best suited for. Trust us, that’s the fun part!

At this point, we’d like to reiterate that there’s no payment or obligation required for FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma’s consulting services. Our compensation is not earned by the clients we help, but rather the franchise opportunities we present from our inventory. Some choose to begin by taking our online franchise ownership quiz – a personal assessment that we review before setting up an initial meeting. But you’re free to progress through the process at your own pace and pause at any time for any reason. What we hope to do is work with you as your own personal partner and navigator, guiding you through the franchise investigative process together.


With the knowledge of what to expect in our initial 15-minute introductory phone call, we invite you to reach out to us when you’re ready. Just remember, there’s no time like the present!


If you’d like to know more about franchise opportunities and ownership, we’d like to hear from you. We are uniquely qualified to match your potential with the possibilities that come from small business ownership through franchising. All you have to do is allow FranNet of DFW & Oklahoma to be your guide. Our no-cost, no-obligation consultations have helped hundreds of entrepreneurs in North Texas and Oklahoma secure a future that belongs to them and them alone. If you’d like to get started on your own entrepreneurial journey, we’d love to introduce you to a whole new world of possibilities through franchise ownership.

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