Motivational Quotes About Debt and Money

These motivational quotes about debt and money can help keep you inspired on your journey to debt freedom. They’re all quotes from women in the personal finance world.

Quotes About Debt

Every debt paid is an automatic pay raise.

“Every debt paid is an automatic pay raise.”
–Nia Adams, Perspectives

If debt were a person, I'd slap it

“If debt were a person, I’d slap it.”
Michelle Singletary

Live a life you would want your kids to have...debt free and full of possibilities.

“Live a life you would want your kids to have…debt free and full of possibilities.”
–Monica, Grab Your Slice

Getting out of debt and enjoying life are not mutually exclusive.

“Getting out of debt and enjoying life are not mutually exclusive.”
–Jackie Beck, The Debt Myth

Good debt can sink you as quickly as bad debt; you need to determine your own limits.

“‘Good’ debt can sink you as quickly as ‘bad’ debt; you need to determine your own limits.”
–Liz Weston, Ask Liz Weston

When starting to pay off debt, the fastest way to get over overthinking is by taking action.

“When starting to pay off debt, the fastest way to get over overthinking is by taking action.”
–Ashley Patrick, Budgets Made Easy

Debt is the enemy of wealth.

“Debt is the enemy of wealth.”
–Louel Gibbons, Save Your Best Life

Repaying debt is like dieting. If you focus on deprivation, you’ll fail.

“Repaying debt is like dieting. If you focus on deprivation, you’ll fail.”
–Paula Pant, Afford Anything

And what luxury is worth more than freedom?

“I envision buying things that you can’t afford as strapping yourself to them, through the debt, until they’re paid off. The only way to free yourself is to lift one burden at a time, until you’re strapped to nothing. And then you’re free. And what luxury is worth more than freedom?”
–Kathy Kristof, SideHusl

Put your money in a position to work harder for you.

“When paying down debt your money builds wealth for the banks, not for you. When investing, the opposite is true, which is why it’s so important to pay down any high interest debt as soon as possible, to put your money in a position to work harder for you.”
–Kimberly Hamilton, Building Wealth on a Dime: Finding Your Financial Freedom

Quotes About Money

Thou shalt get her own money, Book of Me 24:7

“‘Thou shalt get her own money’ -Book of Me 24:7”
–Janice Parker, JP Credit Education & Consulting

Money can be nothing. And it can be everything. It can be a tool. Or it can be an open door.

“Money can be nothing. And it can be everything. It can be a tool. Or it can be an open door.”
–Melanie Lockert, Dear Debt

Budgeting is personal development in disguise.

“Budgeting is personal development in disguise.”
–Kumiko Love, The Budget Mom

Managing your money is immensely easier when you figure out why you want to manage it in the first place.

“Managing your money is immensely easier when you figure out why you want to manage it in the first place.”
–Kristin Wong, Get Money

Money is a tool to pursue your dreams!

“Money is a tool to pursue your dreams!”
Melissa Thomas

What is your favorite debt or money quote? If you’ve got one to add to the list, feel free to share it below.

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