2023 Priority Number 1 – A New Job

My life is overwhelming me. This season of loss, the holidays, and so many conflicting emotions. Therefore, I am taking my own advice and choosing one thing to focus on at a time.

Priority #1 for 2023 is to acquire a new full time position with benefits. I think I’ve mentioned that the full time position I am currently working was supposed to be there. It was offered as a contract to permanent hire position, but a few months in, the company decided they wanted to focus on building a junior staff versus hiring seasoned professionals.

I sincerely appreciate how upfront my direct supervisor has been. This past week she let me know that currently she anticipated that my contract position would end at the end of February. I have been looking but it is time to put my foot on the gas and get serious.

Job search in this economy

I will be honest, this economy is not helping. Every day additional layoffs are announced. The job market is flush with people seeking new opportunities. And frankly, I am not certain how to stand out.

I have contracted Storeyline Resumes to help me focus my resume, cover letter and LinkedIn profile. We are on the final round of revisions. I am hoping to have something solid to restart my search in the new year. But I would love any pointers from the BAD community.

Use a recruiter

I realize that this environment relies heavily on the who you know, not what you know aspect. I’m connecting with as many recruiters as I can. And spreading the request via my social media channels.

Stepping back and regrouping

But for the remainder of this year, I am giving my mind a break. I have posted a “Happy Holidays” and see you in the new year message on all my social media channels. More importantly, I have REMOVED all the social media apps from my phone. No check ins happening until after January 3rd. I am going to focus on spending time with the kiddos and actually resting.



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