Is it Possible to Get Out of a Franchise Agreement?

It might be helpful to start this discussion by answering the question, 

“What is a franchise agreement?”

A franchise agreement is a legally binding contract between a franchisor and a franchisee that outlines the terms and conditions for both parties when operating a franchise business. The agreement protects the integrity of the franchise’s operating system and the brand as a whole. 

In most cases, a franchise agreement ends when the contract expires and is not renewed. While everyone involved in a franchise agreement hopes for a long and successful relationship, some circumstances will lead to an early termination of the contract. For this reason, every franchise agreement includes a termination clause. 

While some agreements provide termination rights to the franchisee, most agreements only allow the contract to be terminated if there is a “good cause”, which is left to each state to define.

What Conditions Are Included in the Termination Clause?

A “material breach” of contract refers to a serious violation of the terms in the agreement that significantly impacts the interests of the other party. Typically, a breach of contract is a “good cause” for terminating the agreement. Here are a few examples that could be considered a material breach of contract. 

When the franchisee: 

  • Is convicted of a crime 
  • Loses a license or lease essential to running the business 
  • Doesn’t pay royalties 
  • Defaults on a loan and fails to correct it 
  • Goes bankrupt 
  • Violates franchisor standards (location, appearance, etc.) 
  • Doesn’t comply with the franchise’s standard business operations 

When the franchisor: 

  • Fails to offer the training and support outlined in the agreement 
  • Makes fraudulent or misleading claims regarding potential profits 
  • Fails to protect the franchisee’s territory 
  • Goes bankrupt 

In addition to stipulating the conditions to end a franchise agreement, the termination clause will also outline the financial and legal consequences for abandoning the agreement without good cause. 

5 Things to Consider Before Terminating a Franchise Agreement

Ending a franchise agreement is not a decision to take lightly. If a franchisee is thinking about closing their business, here are a few things to consider:  

1 – The Importance of Keeping a Detailed Record

If you want to end a franchise agreement, then it’s essential to document the reasons for it. Having detailed information that supports your cause for terminating the contract can help set you up for success. 

2 – Has There Been a Breach of Contract?  

If there is a material breach of contract, then the termination clause in a franchise agreement typically allows for the following actions: 

  • Suspend business operations under the agreement  
  • Terminate the agreement if the breach of contract is not resolved within a reasonable time frame 

3 – The Consequences of Being Terminated by a Franchisor 

If a franchisor has cause to terminate the franchise agreement, then the franchisee might face the following consequences: 

  • Must pay the franchisor for “future lost profits” or “liquidated damages” 
  • Lose the right to operate while also being responsible for fees and royalties 
  • Obligated to pay the franchisor for the remaining term of the contract 
  • Held to non-compete requirements, which would prevent the franchisee from opening a similar business on their own 

4 – What is a Franchise Non-Renewal?

Either party can choose not to renew a franchise agreement when it expires. While franchisees can walk away from the business at this point without violating the contract, they are still bound to certain terms in the agreements. Franchise agreements often require the return of items after the relationship is over. Many will also include a non-compete clause, which prohibits you from opening a business in the same industry. This prevents people from using the franchise as a “training ground” for running their own independent business. 

5 – Requirements to Renew Your Franchise Agreement 

Most states won’t allow a franchisor to pick and choose which franchisees they want to renew. However, a franchisee must meet the renewal requirements and sign the new agreement, which might look a lot different than the original franchise agreement signed 5-10+ years before. 

Renewing a franchise agreement might involve the following: 

  • Pay renewal fees
  • Sign new franchise agreement
  • Remodel or renovate the business 
  • Additional staff training 
  • Update equipment  
  • Increased royalty fees (typically applies to new franchises but not established ones)

3 Ways to Terminate a Franchise Agreement  

Typically, ending a franchise agreement before it expires isn’t worth the consequences. However, there are a few options to consider if you’re looking to get out of the franchise business. 

1 – Work With the Franchise to Exit the Business

In some cases, a franchisor will work with the franchisee to find a “walk away” solution that allows for a quiet exit. Even so, the franchisee will likely be bound to the ongoing lease and other non-compete obligations. 

2 – Sell the Franchise Business to a Third-Party

This might seem like the best solution, but it won’t work in every situation. A couple of prohibiting factors include: 1) not being able to find a buyer in time and 2) not being able to sell for a price that will recoup enough of your investment. 

3 – Sell the Business Back to the Franchise  

The franchisor might be willing to buy the business back from the franchisee, but it may not be at a price high enough to make you whole.  

The path for leaving the franchise business will depend on each situation. Consider speaking with a franchise attorney who can help you navigate an option that works best for you. 

Set Yourself Up for Success  

No one starts out a franchise relationship with the intention of breaking their agreement before it expires, but some franchisees still have to face that decision. It’s important to carefully consider the consequences of terminating a franchise agreement, the options you have, and what you can do to set yourself up for success. 

Ultimately, the best way to avoid termination of a franchise agreement is to set your business up for success from the beginning. If you buy a franchise that fits your goals and abilities, then hopefully you’ll never face a situation where you have to decide how to get out of the business. FranNet is here to help you get started on the right foot. Our expert franchise consultants will evaluate your unique goals, skills, and interests to connect you with the right opportunity. We have hundreds of verified brands to choose from. Schedule your free consultation today! 

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