How Do You Choose a Trustee?

trusteeChoosing a trustee for your estate plan is an important decision that requires careful consideration. A trustee is responsible for managing and distributing your assets after you pass away, so it’s crucial to choose someone who is trustworthy, responsible, and capable of carrying out your wishes. In this post, we will discuss how to choose a trustee for your estate plan.

Trustee’s Role

Firstly, it’s important to understand the role of a trustee in an estate plan. A trustee is responsible for managing the assets held in a trust and distributing them according to the trust document’s terms. The trustee has a fiduciary duty to act in the best interests of the beneficiaries of the trust and must follow all applicable laws and regulations.

Honesty and Integrity

When choosing a trustee, there are several factors to consider. One of the most important factors is a no-brainer: trustworthiness. You need someone you can rely on to act honestly and with integrity when managing your assets. It could be a family member or personal friend, or you may have to consider other options.

Business Acumen

Another factor to consider when choosing a trustee is their level of responsibility and business acumen. You want someone who is organized, detail-oriented, and capable of handling complex financial matters. This includes understanding tax laws, investment strategies, accounting principles, and other financial concepts related to managing an estate.

Relevant Experience

In addition to these qualities, it’s also important to consider whether the potential trustee has experience managing trusts or estates before. While this isn’t necessarily required if they have other relevant skills or experience that make them well-suited for the role, having prior experience can be helpful in ensuring that they are familiar with all aspects of trust administration.


When considering potential trustees for your estate plan, it’s also important to think about their relationship with you and your beneficiaries. Ideally, you want someone who has a close relationship with both you and your beneficiaries so that they can better understand your wishes and needs as well as those of your beneficiaries. This can help ensure that the trustee is able to make decisions that are in everyone’s best interests.


Another important consideration when choosing a trustee is their availability and willingness to take on the role. Being a trustee requires a significant amount of time and effort, so it’s important to choose someone who is willing and able to commit the necessary resources to fulfill their duties. This includes being available for meetings, managing assets, making distributions, and handling any other tasks related to trust administration.


It’s also important to consider whether you want to name one or more co-trustees in your estate plan. Theoretically, co-trustees can provide additional oversight and accountability when managing assets. At the same time, this arrangement could lead to problems when the co-trustees are not on the same page.


Once you have identified potential trustees for your estate plan, it’s important to discuss your wishes with them and get their input on how they would handle the responsibilities of being a trustee. This can help ensure that everyone is on the same page regarding your expectations for managing your assets after you pass away.

Summing It Up

Ultimately, choosing a trustee for your estate plan requires careful consideration of many different factors. By taking the time to identify potential candidates who possess the necessary qualities and experience required for this role, discussing your wishes with them openly and honestly, and ensuring that all legal requirements are met, you can feel confident that your assets will be managed according to your wishes after you pass away.

Schedule a Consultation With a Glastonbury, CT Estate Planning Lawyer

If you are here because you are ready to put your estate plan in place, you are making the ideal connection. When you work with our firm, we will gain an understanding of your situation and your objectives and help you create a personalized plan that is ideal for you and your family.

You can send us a message to request a consultation appointment, we can be reached by phone at 860-548-1000.

Brian S. Karpe, Estate Planning Attorney
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