Should Debt Counsellors File their Consented Debt Review Applications at the NCT?

Access by Debt Counsellors to the NCT dramatically improved after the NCT released its case management system (CMS).

This online system allows DCs to file consented debt review applications, and Tribunal Members (TMs) can adjudicate on these applications from anywhere in the country 24/7.

Debt Counsellors can file one application at a time using our e-filing portal or in bulk using system integration.

To continuously align itself with a rapidly changing environment, the NCT has developed a mobile application to allow for the filing of consented debt applications using any smart phone.

With research showing significant growth in smart cellular phone and internet penetration, the NCT hopes this mobile application allows for increased utilisation of our services. The mobile application has been developed and is currently undergoing internal testing.

Debt Counsellors, through CMS, have real-time accessibility for tracking the progress of their cases, allowing for a seamless client feedback process.

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