Mental Work to Do – Blogging Away Debt Blogging Away Debt


I saw a complaint about me not responding to comments. I apologize for that. Between my two jobs, I am staying really, really busy (not a complaint, just facts.)  I’m in bed early every night and up before the sun to go again.

However, I do read them, every single one. They are delivered to my Inbox and I scan them throughout the day. Some make me laugh (fake me, fake family = theatre troup), some make me mad (I know that’s on me because no one can make you feel), some embarrass me and make me feel shame for the terrible choices I have made and continue to make, and then there’s those that make sense and open my eyes a bit.

Mental Health

Like ADHD? I’ve never considered that. And have a hard time wrapping my brain around it really. I have run my life off lists and calendars for ever. I run my work life the same. Everything is calendared, months in advance. Every day I run through checklists for what needs to be done, both personally and professionally.

Anyone who has read here long knows that I am just coming out of a HUGE transition time in my life. The last several years have been nothing but dramatic changes, important people exiting my life (my failed engagement about killed me), and the kids all being grown and moving away (yeah for them, incredibly sad and overwhelming for me).

I am just now learning to embrace my normal. Setting boundaries. And learning and embracing who I am as middle aged woman.

I don’t know if I’ve mentioned it before, but I am on a low dose anti-depressant (Lexapro). I’ve been on it for the most part since all the challenges with Gymnast as a teenager that led to him moving to his dad’s for his 7th/8th grade year of school.

But maybe…

Maybe there is more work to do. Maybe some time with a counselor is needed. Please keep it up with the tough love. Please keep pointing me in the right direction. I promise I’m listening.

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