Nightwing’s New Superpower Might Be Unique in All of Fiction (& Perfectly Reflects His Values)


  • Nightwing gains supernatural powers, mirroring his core values of watching over the overlooked and catching the fallen.
  • Acquiring an Obol coin from Deadman, Dick can see and hear spirits, including the chatter of broken objects.
  • Nightwing’s rare connection to inanimate objects like garbage is reminiscent of Oscar the Grouch from
    Sesame Street

WARNING: Contains Potential Spoilers for Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14!

Nightwing is renowned in the DC Universe for his formidable heroics, standing out despite lacking meta-human abilities. Recently, however, this non-meta hero gained a supernatural power rarely seen in fiction, further enhancing his already remarkable uniqueness. Moreover, this new ability beautifully mirrors his core values.

Nightwing’s new power is oddly reminiscent of Oscar the Grouch from
Sesame Street
, who is known for his deep connection with trash.

Previously in Batman: The Brave and the Bold #13, Tim Seeley, Kelley Jones, and Michelle Madsen’s Nightwing-centric story, Down the Road, Part 1, introduced Dick Grayson’s acquisition of supernatural abilities, courtesy of Boston “Deadman” Brand. These abilities stem from a special coin known as an ‘Obol,’ traditionally used to pay the Ferryman for passage between the realms of the living and the dead.

Batman the brave and the Bold #14 featuring nightwing and the obol

With the Obol now in Dick’s possession, he can see, hear, and interact with Deadman, who is normally invisible due to being a ghost. Yet, Nightwing’s newfound powers extend beyond mere interaction with Deadman.


Nightwing’s New Origin Quote Needs to Make It to the Movies, Or We Riot

Nightwing’s new origin quote is peak movie material and NEEDS to be featured in DC’s upcoming live-action Teen Titans movie (and beyond).

Nightwing’s New Superpower Lets Him Talk to the Dead and Hear the “Chatter of Broken Things

Batman the brave and the bold #14 Nightwing can hear broken things

Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14 further solidifies that Nightwing’s newfound abilities extend well beyond seeing Deadman. At the start of the issue, it becomes clear that Dick can see and hear other spirits as well. However, Nightwing’s powers become even more distinctive when it’s revealed that he can also hear the “chatter of broken things,” referring to inanimate objects. This ability is exceptionally rare not only within the DC Universe but also in fiction at large. Apart from Nightwing and Deadman, no others with this unique power readily come to mind.

Dick first becomes aware of this power when he and Deadman stumble upon a fulfillment warehouse, which also houses a secret circus. It’s here that Nightwing truly begins to experience the extent of his new abilities. Reflecting in his internal dialogue, Dick notes that he can hear “plaintive little cries of mass-produced stuff more easily trashed than fixed.Despite the serious nature of this ability, it gives off a ‘Super Garbage Man’ vibe, oddly reminiscent of Oscar the Grouch from Sesame Street, who is known for his deep connection with trash.

Dick Grayson’s Superpower Is a PERFECT Reflection of His Values Showcased in Tom Taylor’s Nightwing Run

Dick’s new superhero powers also serve as a poignant reflection of his values that Tom Taylor has emphasized throughout his Nightwing run. Throughout the series, Nightwing has repeatedly vowed to watch over those who are overlooked by others and catch them when they fall. Therefore, his ability to hear the cries of the lost and broken aligns perfectly with this commitment, reinforcing the theme of standing up for society’s marginalized and forgotten. As Tom Taylor’s Nightwing series nears its conclusion, it remains to be seen if Tim Seeley’s newly introduced power for Dick will play a significant role in the final chapters.

Batman: The Brave and the Bold #14 is available now from DC Comics!


Batman the Brave and the Bold #14 cover p1

  • Story: Nightwing & Deadman: Down the Road (Part 2)
  • Writer: Tim Seeley
  • Artist: Kelley Jones
  • Colorist: Michelle Madsen
  • Letterer: Rob Leigh
  • Cover Artist: Simone Di Meo

Nightwing in DC Comics Art by Bruno Redondo


Nightwing is the superhero moniker taken up by Dick Grayson, upon his aging out of the Robin role and becoming a superhero of his own. Inspired by the original Kryptonian hero of the same name, Grayson has risen to comic book immortality with the identity, earning respect as one of the greatest leaders in the DC Universe.

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