Habit Stacking for Finance

Some of the creators (bloggers as I’ve mostly gotten off social media personally) have recently begun starting or trying to start new routines in their lives. Many are for health benefits, some for work schedules, and I had the idea that this would probably work for me as I am nothing if not driven by routine and lists and schedules. What do you think?

I’ve been reading a bit about it:

Eight Elements of Habit Stacking

According to S.J. Scott (reference above), there are several elements to a habit stacking routine:

  1. Each habit takes less than five minutes to complete.
  2. It’s a complete habit.
  3. It improves your life.
  4. It’s simple to complete.
  5. The entire routine takes less than 30 minutes.
  6. It follows a logical process.
  7. It follows a checklist.
  8. It fits your life.

rocks stacked up on one anotherNow each of these speak my language to the core. You?

My favorite aritcle of the ones I read was this one “Habit Stacking: 17 Small Productivity Habits” on the FS blog.

How to Apply to Me and My Finances

I am nothing if not a creature of habit. So, of course, I returned to Google to help me find specific examples of Habit Stacking for Finance. This was the most robust list I found “How to Habit Stack Your Finances“. I also appreciate this article by Chihee Kim especially how she focused on learning and retaining more about financial literacy. Every time I learn something, and really get it, I just realize how ignorant I am about finances.

Now I’ve got to do the work. I’ve going to follow the steps outlined in this article (listed above as well) and begin this journey.

Have you used Habit Stacking in any aspect of your life? Did you find it beneficial? And were you successful at you achieving your goal?

The post Habit Stacking for Finance appeared first on Blogging Away Debt.

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