Full Time Job = Full Time Income


For the first time in over two years, your girl is bringing in full time income again!!! I have officially accepted a full time offer as a contractor increasing my hours, compensation, and giving me a modicum of security with my current role. There is no timeframe in my current contract (meaning there is no term, we are expecting this to be a long term relationship) AND I did get a 6 week notice built in should we agree to terminate. So I have a full time job for the foreseeable future!

I’ve got plans upon plans upon plans. All of them focused on getting completely out of debt while building a hefty savings account. That’s really all there is with this update. I just wanted to jump on and share.

Hope and a new short haircut

My monthly income from this role is $12,000, before taxes, of course. However, I am paying $50 of that before I receive it back into the company for a software subscription that I plan to use to build a passive source of income for my existing business. Not sure what that looks like yet, but do know that this is the platform I wanted.

So income to my account will be $11,950. Then I’ve got to figure taxes, etc. in the next month or so. But phew, I am so grateful for this role. I love what I’m doing. I’m really good at what I’m doing. And frankly, the owner has been a wonderful client for 6ish years so I trust him and we have a great working relationship.

Let’s go!

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