10 Power Rangers Moments That Prove Jason is The Best Red Ranger

Jason Lee Scott is one of the most celebrated Power Rangers in franchise history. So whenever fans discuss the best Red Ranger of all time, it’s impossible not to put the original in the conversation. But what is it about Jason that makes him the greatest Red Ranger of all time?

In his time as the Rangers leader in the original TV show, Jason provides plenty of achievements or heroic moments that might justify his place as the best Red Ranger, and best Power Rangers leader in franchise history. But for fans who haven’t followed the outstanding Power Ranger comic books from BOOM! Studios, some of the rmost important changes to Power Rangers lore have been missed out on. And in the end, they leave no doubt that Jason is the greatest Red Ranger in the history of the franchise, without exception.

10 Jason’s Actual Work Ethic is Unmatched By The Rangers

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2016 Annual’s “A Week in the Life of…” by Kyle Higgins, Rod Reis, and Ed Dukeshire

The hard work and strain (both physical and mental) is often overlooked in storylines, but this one-shot storyline is dedicated entirely to what a week in a Power Ranger’s life looks like. It shows that from Monday to Sunday, Jason attempts to find ways to balance out a life filled with karate teaching, Ranger training, workouts, class sessions, Ranger missions, and homework. Not an easy life to manage, yet at the end of the week, Jason is gleefully excited about doing it all over again for the next week.

The Red Ranger happily commits to a grueling work ethic, something not everyone would be willing to do. It’s a testament to his commitment to being a Ranger and illustrates why he’s cut out to be a leader. He commits himself to the hard jobs no one else wants to do.


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9 Jason Became The White Ranger in The Ultimate Timeline (Surviving Drakkon)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #12 by Kyle Higgins, Hendry Prasetya, Matt Herms, and Ed Dukeshire

The World of the Coinless depicts a vastly different alternate universe where the Green Ranger remains evil and remains by Rita Repulsa’s side. Although the man who would later become franchise villain Lord Drakkon never becomes the White Ranger in this reality, Jason is considered the logical choice when Zordon decides a new Ranger using the White Light is the only way to stop Tommy’s army. Sadly, Drakkon interrupts the process, taking the White Light for himself.

It’s presumed that he kills Jason, but Drakkon: New Dawn reveals that he actually kept him captive as a prisoner instead. When his former Ranger Slayer, Kimberly, takes over Drakkon’s regime, she stumbles upon an imprisoned Red Ranger. It’s impressive that out of spite and fortitude alone, Jason survived years of captivity.

8 Jason Mourning Tommy’s Death is Unforgettable

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #26 by Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Simona Di Gianfelice, Walter Baiamonte, and Ed Dukeshire

Jason Lee Scott the Red Ranger is given the Green Ranger's Dragon Shield as the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers grieve the death of Tommy Oliver

Lord Drakkon eventually finds himself hopping into the main canon universe of Mighty Morphin, where he murders Tommy Oliver on the night of his and Kimberly’s first date. All the Rangers are devastated, but because a Ranger’s life is never easy, they must move forward as they mourn the loss of Tommy. The brunt of responsibility is heaped on Jason’s shoulder, who struggles to accept the Green Ranger’s Dragon Shield a day after Tommy’s death and before his friend’s funeral.

This is an extension of the earlier entry about Jason balancing Ranger life with personal life, but on a more excruciating level. Jason isn’t allowed to slow down after one of his best friends just died, having to adopt his garb and prepare for battle. Something like that is easier said than done, but seeing him push through is commendable.

7 Leading Every Ranger Into Battle (His Shattered Grid Speech)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #30 by Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Simona Di Gianfelice, Walter Baiamonte, and Ed Dukeshire

Comic book panel: Red Ranger Jason Lee Scott gives a speech in front of other rangers.

Extending on the previous entry, Jason not only had to push forward to face Drakkon and his army, but lead an army of his own featuring countless Rangers across space and time. The fate of the galaxy was weighing on Jason’s shoulders while he was in an emotionally vulnerable state. However, if anyone is capable of stepping up to that responsibility and achieving greatness in the process, it’s Jason Lee Scott.

In the spirit of teamwork, he gives one final, emotional speech to inspire his troops before commandeering them into battle, and it resonates with every single Ranger he is leading. Despite the high stakes scenario, he doesn’t forget that the most important part of teamwork is inspiring the team, and he makes time to do just that.

6 Jason is Recruited To Lead The Omega Rangers

Go Go Power Rangers #23 by Ryan Parrot, Sina Grace, Raul Angulo, Francesco Montarino, and Ed Dukeshire

The Blue Emissary makes Jason Lee Scott the Red Ranger remember the Mighty Morphin battle against Lord Drakkon from Shattered Grid in Go Go Power Rangers #23

After the events of Shattered Grid, the Rangers’ memories are reset to not remember their multiverse adventure in order to set the timelines back right. However, the Blue Emissary of the Emissaries Three needs Jason to remember in order to face a new intergalactic threat. Restoring these memories proves to be a painful process, but the fact that the God-tier Morphin Grid being decides that Jason is the one person capable of handling the pressure and efficient enough for the task is an honor that outweighs the pain.

The Blue Emissary distills the same honor onto Yellow and Black Rangers Trini Kwan and Zack Taylor. Together, the trio exit the Mighty Morphin squad to endure special missions in space as the Omega Rangers.

5 Jason Managed To Defeat Lord Zedd One-on-One

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45 by Ryan Parrott, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli, Igor Monti, and Ed Dukeshire

The Omega Rangers summon their Zord to punch Lord Zedd in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #45

The Omega Rangers find themselves teaming with the Mighty Morphin team (who don’t actually know the Omegas are their old friends, under the impression they left for a Peace Conference) to stop a common enemy – Dayne – who has aligned themselves with Lord Zedd. During a battle, Zedd finds himself fighting Jason one-on-one.

Those familiar with the TV show will recall that the only time Zedd actually fights a Ranger is against Tommy’s White Ranger in Season 3’s “Changing of the Zords” episode, but deems Zedd too powerful before retreating. Combatting Lord Zedd is no easy task, but Jason miraculously defeats him. Granted, he does so with the help of his Zord.


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4 Jason Beat Tommy Oliver in An Intense Sparring Battle

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #48 by Ryan Parrott, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Walter Baiamonte, Katia Ranalli, and Ed Dukeshire

When the Mighty Morphin team discovered the true identity of the Omega Rangers, they felt betrayed at the lies their friends and former teammates had been spewing to them. This was especially the case for Tommy, who felt as if his former leader Jason had abandoned him and the team without coaching Tommy on how to be the new leader before leaving.

During the Eltarian War arc, the Mighty Morphin team and the Omegas had to work together again, leading to a sparring session between the team’s respective leaders. Because of their animosity, the session was intense as if it was a real brawl. Ultimately, in a world where fans debate who was the better leader of the original MMPR team, Jason proves himself the better fighter of the two.

3 How Jason Responded To His Mother’s Death

Power Rangers #20 by Ryan Parrott, Marco Renna, Walter Baiamonte, Sharon Marino, Sara Antonellini, and Ed Dukeshire

The Mighty Morphin and Omega Rangers mourn the death of Jason Lee Scott the Red Ranger's mom on the cover art for Power Rangers #20

The Go Go Power Rangers series first establishes that Jason’s father, Sam, is dealing with a cancer diagnosis. While Jason struggled with the news, he took care of his father to the best of his ability when he wasn’t protecting the world, and prepared himself mentally for the worst. What he did not expect was receiving news in Power Rangers #19 of his mother’s sudden death. While he’s in space saving the world, Ann Christine Scott unexpectedly passes away in her sleep to a rare, seemingly undiagnosed heart arrhythmia.

The first half of Power Rangers #20 is dedicated entirely to her funeral. Jason reminisces with others about his mother but later confesses to Zordon that he doesn’t want to take any time off from being a Ranger. Despite Zordon’s insistence, Jason would rather continue being a hero than take a pause. For better or worse, it certainly speaks to Jason’s inner strength to not breakdown, even if he’s not allowing himself to grieve. His mother’s death may have played a part in his decision for this next entry.

2 Jason Defeated The Death Ranger, Then Retired from Rangerhood

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #100 by Ryan Parrott, Moisés Hidalgo, and Marco Renna

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #100, Jason the Red Omega, defeats the Death Ranger.

Heading into the 100th issue of the mainline franchise series, the Rangers were forced to face the most powerful evil Ranger they ever had to oppose: The Death Ranger, whose true power put the whole fate of the universe in danger. Miraculously, it’s Jason who is able to defeat the Death Ranger for good, and when he does, he takes the opportunity to ride off into the sunset. He hangs up his Red Ranger boots and gives them to Trini, who earned her Red Ranger status.

However, as the series’ Darkest Hour finale goes to show later, Jason finds new was to still be a hero without his powers. Coaching the next generation of heroes proves to be the perfect final fate for the OG Red Ranger.

1 Jason Still Continued Being A Ranger, As A Vigilante

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Return #1 by Amy Jo Johnson, Matt Hotson, Nico Leon, Francesco Segala, Gloria Martinelli, and Ed Dukeshire

The overarching BOOM! Rangerverse isn’t the only place where Jason’s skills are on display. In a world where the Rangers never separated, they decide to keep fighting until Zedd and Rita are defeated. After, everyone retires their morphers – all but Jason. Through a sense of duty, even without any more evil monsters to face, Jason dedicates his life to becoming a local vigilante.

Before being captured by Rita’s secret daughter, Selena Repulsa, Jason is seen stopping local street crime, thwarting counter-terrorism missions, and saving people from burning buildings. For the best leader in Power Rangers history, the mission against evil is never over and through a sense of duty, he carries on being a hero.

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