FNB Debt Review Escalation Details

FNB Debt Review are streamlining their debt review matters escalation process.

In the past, Debt Counsellors who had run into an issue with a debt review matter with FNB  were able to escalate matters to: frbdebtreviewcentre@firstrand.co.za

Then if no response was received or no joy was had the matter could be further escalated to: DebtReviewEscalation1@fnb.co.za

And finally the highest escalation point was:  DebtReviewEscalation2@fnb.co.za

Unfortunately, FNB said that this was leading to some duplication of work and they would like to simplify things by having a single escalation point.

Apparently, the other escalation points were not being used by many Debt Counsellors in most cases anyway.

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