There are lots of ways to save once you start to think about it, they can be big or small.
Check out loyalty and reward programs (especially free ones) at different stores. If you can get something extra for nothing, then go for it.
Shopping lists are a proven way to avoid impulse buying.
Shopping online can also help cut down on impulse shopping (but watch those delivery charges).
Sometimes you also need to think about big changes to significantly slash your expenses.
Could you move to a significantly cheaper living space? If it is slightly less comfortable, but still safe, then you could seriously consider it.
Could you rent out a room or take on a tenant or flat mate to reduce expenses?
Have you got any contracts that are coming to an end in 2025? Maybe you can switch to a cheaper option, switch to pre-paid or cut out the cost entirely.
Go over your insurance and other costs, get comparative quotes and see if there are ways to get the same services for cheaper. Often just asking for cheaper alternatives is a good way to get savings.
The point is, that if you apply your mind, you will find ways to save even when you have cut costs in the past. Do some homework and think about how you can cut costs in the months ahead.