A New Barter – Website for Boarding


We’ve used the same boarding facility since we got the dogs here in Georgia. They are absolutely amazing. And that has been rewarded with tremendous growth.

Ya’ll would laugh if you heard the owner and my recent conversation about number of dogs. When we started using them, they were a married couple who both worked in the medical field and boarded dogs on the side and bred French Bulldogs.

Here we are 7-8 years later, they’ve grow exponentially, so much so that it’s now the husband’s full time job. They’ve expanded their offerings to include grooming and doggy daycare. And they’ve quit breeding dogs and had two human children.

The owner was recently lamenting their now 7 dogs plus one cat. We both agreed it is too much. (I know, I know you all fully agree.)


I created their website several years ago in a barter for dog boarding. And now he’s ready to do it again. Score!

I have 3-4 more trips between Georgia and Texas this year:

  1. March – house on the market and taking Jake (80lb retriever to live with Gymnast now that he has his own apartment)
  2. May – Princess graduates and the family is all coming to town
  3. Jun-Aug – housesitting for Princess while she does orientation for her new job (originally this was required because Jake lives with her, but since he is moving to Texas this is just a possibility)
  4. October – Beauty gets married!

While I don’t need 7 dogs boarded any longer. I will have 1-2 with me. Having boarding time banked for these trips will be super helpful especially for Cali who is my old lady. She prefers to lay in the sun and be fed rather than travel around.

Addie and Cali enjoying a snooze in Hope's bed

We are finalizing terms. But it’s nice to know that I will have boarding time for the dog(s) should I need it. This is also a great to rebuild my website portfolio as I continue to re-vamp and grow my consulting business again.

Bartering for the Win

Over the years, I have bartered for homeschool tuition, Tae Kwon Do for all 4 of the Virginia kids, competitive gymnastics training for Gymnast, and so much more. If you have a skill that is in demand, this is a great option to get things you want or need without having to come up with money. Life safer for a single mom of 5!

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