After 58 Years, Star Trek Is Finally Killing Off Scotty


  • Scotty has been a crucial part of
    Star Trek
    history, but could he be on his way out after 58 years?
  • Scotty’s engineering feats saved the original Enterprise numerous times, earning him the nickname “the Miracle Worker.”
  • Trelane’s ominous comment about Scotty “expiring” hints at a possible heroic death for the beloved character.

Warning: contains spoilers for Star Trek #21!

Scotty has been a vital part of the Star Trek franchise, but after 58 years, the franchise may be setting up his exit. Scotty’s legacy extends into the 24th century, where he is currently serving alongside Captain Sisko aboard the USS Theseus. Scotty was vital during the Day of Blood event, but now, Star Trek #21 hints he may truly be entering the twilight of his life.

Star Trek #21 is written by Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly and drawn by Megan Levens. After breaching the barrier and entering the Pleroma, Sisko and his crew address the council of gods assembled there. Apollo, who encountered Scotty a century prior, quips that the engineer “got old.” Scotty retorts back at Apollo, calling him a “gas bag.”

Three panels of Scotty talking to Trelane and Apollo.

Trelane, another being on the council, asks Apollo why he is bothering with the “expiring one” and should instead focus on Sisko.

Scotty Set the Standard By Which All Other Star Trek Engineers Are Judged

Scotty Saved the Enterprise Numerous Times

James Doohan as Scotty on the transporter in Star Trek TNG

The original Enterprise, NCC-1701, had several engineers during its time in service, but none more prominent than Scotty. Played by James Doohan in the original Star Trek series, Scotty earned the nickname “the Miracle Worker” thanks to some brilliant jury-rigs he would spontaneously create. Scotty saved the ship many times. Perhaps his greatest engineering feat was the one that saved his life: after crash landing on a Dyson Sphere, Scotty stored himself in the ship’s transporter buffer, where he was rescued by the Enterprise NCC-1701-D. After a rough initial period of adjustment, Scotty returned to work.

What Trelane meant by the “expiring one” comment is left open to debate. Seconds before, Apollo made a crack about Scotty’s age, and Trelane could have just been playing off that. However, IDW’s new line of Star Trek titles has explored the concept of legacy at great length. Scotty’s reputation as one of Starfleet’s finest engineers is continually mentioned in the book, and is evident all around. The Theseus was largely his design, and helped T’Lir build the revolutionary Kardashev Drive. Scotty’s best days may seem to still be ahead of him.

Is Star Trek About to Kill Scotty Off for Good?

Scotty Deserves a Heroic Death

Star Trek: Generations. James Doohan as Montgomery Scotty Scott. William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk.

Yet Trelane’s comment about Scotty “expiring” almost seemed to have an ominous tone.

Yet Trelane’s comment about Scotty “expiring” almost seemed to have an ominous tone. Scotty was instrumental in helping stop Kahless from leading a galaxy-wide insurrection. However, the threat Kahless poses is far from over. Furthermore, Lore is still at large, on his quest for godhood. Both of these villains pose a serious threat to the galaxy, and Scotty. If the Star Trek franchise is genuinely going to kill Scotty off, it raises questions about how it will happen. If Scotty is indeed on his way out, he deserves to go out like the Starfleet hero he is.

Star Trek #21 is on sale now from IDW Publishing!

Star Trek #21 (2024)

Star Trek 21 COVER

  • Writer: Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly
  • Artist: Megan Levens
  • Colorist: Lee Loughridge
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Megan Levens

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