Some individuals create a Revocable Trust, pour-over Will, Property Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of…
Estate Planning Practice Management Software: Quality Counts
Using the right estate planning practice management software is crucial for the success and sustainability of…
What Are the Duties of a Living Trust Trustee?
Many people harbor misconceptions about trusts. One of them is the idea that they are only…
Top 4 Reasons to Plan Your Estate
A lot of people do not have estate plans because they do not understand why it…
Will Joint Tenancy Bypass Probate?
In order to understand the potential value of joint tenancy for estate planning purposes, you have…
Content that Converts: Crafting Effective Social Media Posts for Law Firms
Social media has become an essential tool for law firms to engage with clients, share valuable…
You Can Make Final Arrangements in Advance
When you are planning your estate, it is best if you take a comprehensive approach. When…
Estate Planning: There’s Something Here for Everyone – Part I
Despite knowing that they should have an estate plan, many individuals give excuses for failing to…
Why Do You Need an Elder Law Attorney?
Some people are confused by the term “elder law attorney.” Why would older people need a…
Liquidation Can Streamline the Process
People tend to procrastinate when it comes to inheritance planning. This is primarily to the fact…