DCRS Migrating To Modern Coding Language
The Debt Counselling Rules System (DCRS) is getting some behind the scenes upgrades as it is moved to a more modern programming language.
What is DCRS?
DCRS is an online debt restructuring proposal calculator that is used by many Debt Counsellors (via PDA software) and by most credit providers.
The idea is that, instead of a Debt Counsellor having to send lots and lots of different proposals to lots of different people at the various bank and large credit providers (who would then have to check that proposal and make sure it is fair) a piece of computer software could speed things along and help come to pre-agreed arrangements.
The system has been around for many years and has had a reasonable uptake, primarily by larger, busier Debt Counsellors who enjoy the speed and accountability of the system.
More recently, the calculation options offered by DCRS have been integrated into the various PDA provided software suites. This has made it easier and easier for Debt Counsellors to make use of these debt restructuring proposal options.
Origins of DCRS
Way back in the mists of time, in 2008 and 2009, the NCR asked a small group of credit providers and Debt Counsellors to check out what was causing delays in debt review at the time and make some mutually acceptable suggestions on what could speed it along. In a report the Task Team made suggestions on how debts could be restructured. These suggestions were later turned into some code and the result was the DCRS proposal software system (calculator).
This was back in the stone age so things have changed dramatically since back then and over the years Debt Counsellors in particular have asked for new improvements and features to be added but it has been slow going. many times it felt like DCRS was far behind the times and struggling to keep up with the realities of the times. Glitches and problems have taken a while to get sorted and it did cause a lack of confidence and adoption in the past.
The Glowup
One of the challenges with the system and making industry agreed changes in the past (why it would take so long) was down to the older coding used to make and run the system. At one point it felt like the version of the software that the PDA software guys had was more accurate than the actual system.
Now the system has been migrated to Java (from RPG) and is now linked to a modern database with a better user interface.
So many positive changes in one go.
‘more accurate and easier to use but also much easier to update going forward’
These changes, which have now been successfully tested by the various parties involved, will not only make it more accurate and easier to use but also much easier to update going forward.
The system is also more compliant with requirements as per the Protection of Personal information Act (PoPI).
Why Some People Don’t Love It
Some Debt Counsellors did not like the people who were on the NCR task team many years ago as they worked at large debt counseling firms and they felt steamrolled into having to use the system.
Others were heavily disappointed that the basic tenant of the system (making proposals with a click of the button and getting immediate acceptances) was destroyed by credit providers who agreed to the system but then always come back later asking for the proposals to be changed.
Still others have concerns that the system does not allow for certain provisions of the National credit Act which they would like included (but have not been included as yet).
Why Some People Love it
While the system has had its challenges over the years it did help those who used it quickly get higher rates of acceptances to proposals from the major credit providers (most of the time) which speeds things along. this helps consumer feel more confident in the process which is important especially early in the process when they are learning to trust the Debt Counsellor.
Doing more cases faster also potentially means less workers and less work needed on both credit provider and Debt Counsellor side. That’s more profitable.
Many Debt Counsellors have taken the lead from the National Consumer Tribunal who called for agreements done via the system (and other consent agreements) to be sent to them to help keep costs down for consumers. Legal costs at the NC|T are much cheaper than via court. Consumers can thus save funds.
Positive Steps
The shift to a more current programming language and database system (in a few days time) will allow for some much anticipated changes to finally come into effect. This is likely to increase the adoption and use of the DCRS in the days ahead.