Debt Counsellors, The NCR and Debt Help Statuses

When a consumer entered debt review in 2023 with good intentions their Debt Counsellor captured them on the NCR’s Debt Help System (which we will call DHS for short).

This notified the various credit bureaus of the consumer’s intention to settle debt via debt review.

The Debt Counsellor sprang into action and came up with repayment plans and did a lot of work. Unfortunately, the consumer then got cold feet and decided not to follow through. They never paid anything towards their debt via debt review.

They were however showing as under debt review on the credit bureaus.

One way to make the listing go away would be to simply change the status on DHS to show the consumer was ‘not over indebted’. But that was not factually true. It did appear that the consumer was very over indebted and thus really needed debt review.

But the consumer was not paying for debt review services and was hoping to gain access to more credit. Credit that was now shut off to them due to records at the credit bureaus.

Eventually, the consumer became unhappy and began complaining to the NCR and about the NCR not being willing to sort things out. They also, complained about the Debt Counsellor for following the guidelines about withdrawing consumers from debt review.

Hello Peter was one place where the consumer complained a lot.

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