Destro Prepares for War in G.I. Joe’s New Continuity


  • Destro
    #2 escalates the war between arms manufacturers that is shaping up in the miniseries, with the Crimson Twins declaring war on Destro and M.A.R.S. Industries.
  • The conflict sets up an intriguing story for the Energon Universe, and could have significant repercussions for the wider shared continuity moving forward.
  • The Energon Universe is named for the precious resource Energon, which lies at the heart of the increasingly brutal conflict between Destro and the Crimson Twins, as well as the overarching plot of the continuity as a whole.

Destro #1 set up a major conflict in the G.I. Joe corner of the Energon Universe, as the title villain enters a war on a completely different scale. The first issue ended with the Crimson Twins Tomax and Xamot declaring war on Destro and M.A.R.S. Industries, establishing their company as the leading weapons manufacturers in the global arms race.

In the preview released by Skybound Entertainment, Destro #2 – written by Dan Watters, with art by Andrei Bressan – cuts between Destro and the Crimson Twins giving speeches to their respective arms companies.

It’s interesting to see how the two speeches mirror each other. Each side attempts to rally their forces against the other, using tried and true propaganda tools to twist the narrative to their own ends. Tomax & Xamot proclaim their innocence before their own company, claiming that Destro staged a false flag attack on his own men to motivate them into a conflict.


New G.I. JOE Ongoing Series Will Rock the Energon Universe to Its Foundations

G.I. Joe #1 launches this November, finally assembling the Joe team in the Energon Universe and setting up the biggest comic book debut of the year.

The Most Dangerous Villains In The Energon Universe Go To War In “DESTRO”

Destro #2 – Written By Dan Watters; Art ByAndrei Bressan, Adriano Lucas & Rus Wooton

Destro #2 variant cover, one half of the Crimson Twins, Tomax, stands over Destro's BATs

Destro’s use of the Energon provided by Cobra Commander has upgraded the B.A.T.s he uses in the opening scene [of
#2], reflecting the various conflicts playing out over the scarce resource of Energon in this new
G.I. Joe
shared universe.

The shady war between arms manufacturers sets up an intriguing conflict for Destro to follow over the course of five issues, and the set-up is perfect for G.I. Joe’s most famous arms dealer. The first issue ended with an arms fair held by Destro for all the leading manufacturers of the world to attend. Missing from the scene is Extensive Enterprises, the company run by Tomax and Xamot Paoli. As it turns out, they didn’t show up for a reason, as they launch a strike against Destro by using new, hi-tech stealth drones to bomb the fair.

The Crimson Twins proclaiming innocence in the attack in the preview for Destro #2 is an interesting twist for the story, and shows the real-world parallels the creative team is making with this series. This secret war for dominance in the military industrial complex also ties in with the larger themes of the Energon Universe. Destro’s use of the Energon provided by Cobra Commander has upgraded the B.A.T.s he uses in the opening scene, reflecting the various conflicts playing out over the scarce resource of Energon in this new G.I. Joe/Transformers shared universe.

However it plays out, it will be exciting to see how
ties into the new Energon Universe
G.I. Joe

Destro Introduces A Conflict That Could Shape The Energon Universe Moving Forward

Major Stakes In Skybound’s Latest Miniseries

Destro #2 variant cover, one half of the Crimson Twins, Tomax, in front of an explosion

Destro #1 was an excellent start for the last miniseries before the launch of G.I. Joe #1 in November. Given that Tom Reilly’s cover art for that issue displays Destro and the Crimson Twins standing alongside the forces of Cobra, it would appear that the Destro miniseries will end with both parties reaching some kind of détente, but consider the traitorous nature of many in the Cobra organization, everyone will be vying for power and authority. However it plays out, it will be exciting to see how Destro ties into the new Energon Universe G.I. Joe series.

Source: Skybound Entertainment


will be available July 17, 2024 from Skybound Entertainment.

Destro #2 (2024)

Destro #2 cover, Destro and BATs in fiery battle landscape.

  • Writer: Dan Watters
  • Artist: Andrei Bressan
  • Colorist: Adriano Lucas
  • Letterer: Rus Wooton
  • Cover Artists: Andrei Bressan & Adriano Lucas

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