Editor’s Note | Slow and Steady Wins the Race

“Slow and steady wins the race”. That’s what they say.

That’s certainly true of dealing with debt. Debt is one of those things you have to consistently and progressively chip away at. Month by month, payment by payment you can make progress and drag yourself towards financial freedom.

Those in debt review often have to slowly work for 2,3 or even 5 years to totally get out of debt. Now, that might seem like a long time but these days most car loans are over 5 to 7 years so, actually it’s not that long a time to be sorting out a lot of debt. Still, it takes consistent focus and consistent payments.

If you were consistent and made your December debt review payment – well done!

Not everyone made it through. In fact, it is said that perhaps 8% of all those in debt review dropped out of the process this past December. That’s a lot of people who, for one reason or another, did not do what you managed to do.

2024 was not an easy year for many consumers and we saw a large number of people sign up for debt review. The number of people in debt review hit new all time highs.

At the same time, last year was also one of the best years ever for people getting clearance certificates for successfully completing debt review. This is something to celebrate. It shows that debt review can and does work. It gets people back into the credit market, better equipped to make good choices about handling credit.

So, what does your 2025 look like?

Is it full of opportunities?

Will you take the next steps on your journey?

Will you find the right stepping stones towards your goals?

Hopefully, whatever 2025 turns out to be like, the months ahead will bring you closer to your goals . And whatever those goals are, it is good to take it slow and steady.  Keep a steady pace, be consistent and you will make progress.

‘Keep a steady pace, be consistent and you will make progress’

If it’s taking on more clients to help – just keep advertising, keep promoting, keep going.

If it’s getting out of debt – make those payments. Chip, chip, chip. Just keep pushing, don’t give up, be more stubborn than the factors that could hold you back and we are confident that you will win the race to become debt free.

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