Gladiator 2’s Commodus Replacement Is Still Missing The Best Part Of Joaquin Phoenix’s Villain


  • Gladiator II features new emperors Geta and Caracalla, replacing Commodus, offering a different yet equally villainous dynamic.
  • The sequel will focus on the power struggles and corruption of the new emperors, maintaining the historical context of Roman rule.
  • With a shift in narrative focus, Gladiator II has the opportunity to explore different facets of power and mismanagement.

Ridley Scott’s Gladiator II has replaced the original’s iconic villain with some equally nefarious characters, but there remains a concern that the movie will still lack what made Commodus so successful. Gladiator is generally regarded as one of the best Roman historical epics ever made, and, since its release, has stood the test of time as a standalone tale. When Gladiator II was officially announced, it became clear that the setting, while rooted in the same timeline, would feature many new faces, and putting a sequel’s focus on different characters is a difficult undertaking.

Chief among these differences are the new brother emperors, Geta (Joseph Quinn) and Caracalla (Fred Hechinger) who will function as the sequel’s version of the original’s Commodus (Joaquin Phoenix). Phoenix’s performance is lauded as terrific – earning him an Oscar nomination in 2001 for Best Supporting Actor – and will be difficult to replicate or match. Perhaps this is why director Ridley Scott elected to switch from a sole ruler to the two rulers, Geta and Caracalla. While this change will bring a fascinating new dynamic, it risks missing the greatest attribute of Gladiator‘s original villain.


Gladiator 2’s Roman Emperors Explained: True Story & Why There Are Two

Unlike the first movie, Gladiator 2 features two different Roman emperors. While this might seem strange, its rooted in real historical fact.

Gladiator 2’s Emperors Aren’t The Same Scheming Villains As Joaquin Phoenix’s Commodus

Commodus’ Inferiority Complex Drove Much Of The First Film’s Narrative

Gladiator Joaquin Phoenix Commodus looking scary
Custom image by Debanjana Chowdhury

One of the best aspects of Gladiator was watching Commodus rise to power (while falling further into personal disarray) as Maximus (Russel Crowe) was thrown from it. Commodus was desperate for love, first from his father and second, from the people of Rome, to whom he had a warped vision of what it meant to be loved. His unhinged tragedy was part of what made Gladiator great; he was a character that audiences loved to hate.

The success of Commodus’ character was his sliminess. He had to worm his way into a place of authority, with much of the film’s focus being placed on his rise to power. From the killing of his father, the emperor, to attempting to seduce his sister, Commodus was an easily vilified antagonist, which was important, given that Maximus, who is not returning in the sequel, needed a figurehead upon which to enact his revenge. Since Commodus was killed off in the first film at the hands of Maximus, the new emperors have big sandals to fill. Without Phoenix’s conniving, fragile, and vain ruling influence, the context of Gladiator II will certainly be different, but this may, ultimately, work in Gladiator II‘s favor.

Although Crowe’s Maximus and Phoenix’s Commodus are not returning, two actors will be reprising their
roles in
Gladiator II
: Connie Neilsen as Lucilla and Derek Jacobi as Gracchus

How Geta and Caracalla In Gladiator 2 Are Similar To The Original Movie’s Commodus

Same Flaws, Different Emperors

In Gladiator II, Geta and Caracalla may be different leaders, but the position is the same as when Commodus ruled Rome. Along with that position comes unimaginably vast resources and wealth. With such a disparity between the ruling class and the citizens, corruption and delusions of grandeur threaten to seep in. It’s yet unclear what Geta and Caracalla’s true motivations are and whether their outward appearance is indicative of their true abilities as leaders, but from their scenes shown in the trailer, they show the same maniacal flashes that Commodus had in Gladiator.

If Gladiator II elects to focus on the true story of Geta and Caracalla, that, too, would have similarities to Commodus and much of the history of all Roman rule. Infighting, fratricide, political scheming, and betrayal are all at the heart of Rome’s much-besmirched legacy. Just as Commodus killed his father, Caracalla plotted regularly against his brother Geta before being assassinated himself. Accordingly, the backdrop of the Roman imperium and the limitless power and influence of its emperors is shared by Commodus, Geta, and Caracalla – as well as many of Rome’s leaders throughout its history. Such drama could serve Gladiator II‘s story well.

The Brother Emperor’s Differences From Commodus Could Give Gladiator 2 An Advantage

Gladiator II Must Avoid A Re-Telling of Gladiator, Wherever Possible

Gladiator II introduces two emperors who, unlike Commodus, are seemingly already in power. This will allow more of the film’s narrative attention to be placed elsewhere and could lead to a primary focus on Lucius (Paul Mescal) and the power broker Macrinus (Denzel Washington) and their efforts to challenge the rule of the co-emperors. In Gladiator, Commodus believed giving the Roman people what they wanted – instead of what they actually needed – would fulfill them, which was a skewed belief at its core. There was, however misaligned it may have been, a love of the people, which Commodus so desperately wanted requited.

In the trailer for Gladiator II, the new co-emperors appear to have complete disregard for the Roman citizens altogether; when reminded that the people must be fed, Caracalla gleefully remarks that “they can eat war,” which is delusion personified. While Gladiator certainly focused primarily on Maximus’ quest for retribution, much of the film was also devoted to developing the character of Commodus, and Scott may take a different path with Gladiator II.

…focusing on the unhinged new leaders of Rome in
Gladiator II
is only possible because of Commodus, and it’s a terrific opportunity to show a different – yet equally-reprehensible – mismanagement of power.

Upping the stakes and focusing on the unhinged new leaders of Rome in Gladiator II is only possible because of Commodus, and it’s a terrific opportunity to show a different – yet equally-reprehensible – mismanagement of power. Capitalizing on the strong foundations of the first movie while ensuring that Geta and Caracalla are given the attention and freedom to become memorable characters of their own is no easy task. Thankfully, audiences will soon see how Gladiator II will fill the void left by Commodus’ death.

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