Hope’s Debt Update – September, 2024


Another step closer. And you will see new dates on the table for the remaining debt. They are still kind of soft dates, but totally achievable based on my forecasting. But will certainly firm up by the end of the year.

Debt Description October, 2023 Total Interest Rate Minimum Payment Current Total Payoff Date (Est)
CC – Frontier $3,857 29.99% $130 $3,575 October, 2024
Dad – New Furnace $2,600 0% $0 $2,600 January, 2025
CC – USAA $5,000 19.15% $135 $2,599 November, 2024
Student Loans $22,121 2.875% $22,749 September, 2025?
CC – Apple** $500 Paid off every month $0
CC – AMEX $894 29.24% $0 $0 Mar, 2024 – Closed
CC – Sams $1,106 29.99% $0 $0 April, 2024
Personal Loan #1 $2,500 0% $0 $0 July, 2024
Personal Loan #2 $2,500 0% $0 $0 August, 2024
CC – Wander $1,630 29.24% $0 $0 August, 2024 – Closed
CC – Amazon $1,497 29.99% $0 $0 September, 2024
Total $44,206 $265 $31,523

Next Target – Frontier Card

Did you see my plan for the Frontier card? It was presented somewhere previously. Thoughts? Smart or dumb move?

To summarize, I had planned to pay off the Frontier card in October and then use it for Princess’ wisdom teeth extraction. Then pay it off in November and close it then. This will essentially save me approximately 1/2 month in interest charges.

However, I thought through it some more. And have decided instead, to just pay off the Frontier card this next month (October) then instead, use my remaining card USAA instead for the surgery, then pay it off in it’s entirety.

Followed by Final Personal Loan

This month’s update delays my payment plan on the final personal loan, the one from my dad. He loaned me the money to replace my furnace back in February. I plan to make my first payment in November and pay in full at the beginning of February right now. My plan continues to evolve as I make more money. So none of this is in stone…but know that my goal is to get all debt paid in full ASAP with a current focus on my consumer debt.

The Final Credit Card

According to my forecast, the first month I have $5,000 outside my regularly budgeted items is March, 2025. That is why I have set the date for the USAA CC to be paid off in full for that date. I currently pay the USAA CC about 1/2 way almost every month to cover bills – phone and car insurance. That takes care of the minimum payment and saves me some interest every month.

I do plan to keep this card open. It’s my oldest account. But come March, I should be able to stop carrying any balance at all. Maybe earlier, but that’s why I’m seeing right now.

This was my plan when I first drafted this post. But have shifted my idea based on the update under Frontier.

School Loans

Come the new year…the focus will turn to my student loans. 21 years after completing my masters program, I will finally get it paid off. I’ve added a tentative date to that debt payoff too. But it is soft for now. I needed a target on it!

Have I missed anything?

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