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Close to apply: 16/01/2023
Balloting: 18/01/2023
Listing date: 31/01/2023
Market cap: RM311.621 mil
Total Shares: 944.308mil shares
Industry CARG (2017-2021)
Real GDP Growth of Malaysia’s Economy and the Construction Industry: -5.4%
Overhang of Residential Properties in Malaysia (volume): 10.5%
Overhang of Commercial* Properties in Malaysia (volume): 30.4%
Industry competitors comparison (net profit margin%)
Vestland: 6.2% (PE29.20, 2021), (est PE14.6, 2022)
Suncon: 6.4% (PE12)
Kerjaya Prospek: 9.9% (PE12.72)
GDB: 6.5% (PE8.91)
Inta Bina Group Bhd: 3.5% (PE11.55)
Vizione: -28.9% (-ve)
Tuju Setia: 3.4% (-ve)
TCS Group: 1.2% (-ve)
Gagasan Nadi Cergas Bhd: 3.7% (-ve)
Siab Holdings Berhad: 3.2% (-ve)
Construction of residential and non-residential buildings
1.Market: Ace Market
2.Price: RM0.33
3.P/E: 29.20 @ RM0.013 (est, PE14.6,2022)
4.ROE(Pro Forma III): 19.44%
5.ROE: 22.90%(FYE2021), 19.57%(FYE2020), 24.87%(FYE2019)
6.Net asset: RM0.1162
7.Total debt to current asset after IPO: 0.679 (Debt: 144.650mil, Non-Current Asset: 38.144mil, Current asset: 212.987mil)
8.Dividend policy: no formal dividend policy.
9. Shariah status: Yes
Past Financial Performance (Revenue, Earning Per shares, PAT%
2022 (FPE 30Jun, 6mth): RM139.914 mil (Eps: 0.0113), PAT: 7.62%
2021 (FYE 31Dec): RM171.081 mil (Eps: 0.0113),PAT: 6.22%
2020 (FYE 31Dec): RM97.124 mil (Eps: 0.0074),PAT: 7.22%
2019 (FYE 31Dec): RM98.707 mil (Eps: 0.0076),PAT: 7.26%
***Order book (until 2025): RM947.43mil
Operating cashflow vs PBT
2022: 56.33%
2021: 69.85%
2020: -62.13%
2019: 51.36%
Major customer (2022)
Mercu Majuniaga Sdn Bhd: 36.49%
Hawa Teknik Sdn Bhd: 29.22%
Sg.Besi Construction Sdn Bhd: 18.86%
Binastra Construction(M) Sdn Bhd: 4.81%
***total 95.02%
Major Sharesholders
Datuk Liew Foo Heen: 63.33% (Direct)
Wong Sai Kit: 11.17% (Direct)
Total director remuneration: RM1.444mil
key management remuneration: RM0.95mil – RM1.25mil
total (max): RM2.694mil or 11.45%
Use of funds
1. Acquisition of the new head office/refinancing of borrowings for acquisition of the new head office: 13.37%
2. Performance bonds and/or cash deposits for construction projects: 19.25%
3. Working capital: 59.71%
4. Listing expenses: 7.67%
Overall, the company is in low net profit industry at this moment. However take count on the order book, revenue still strong on coming 1-3 years.
*Valuation is only personal opinion & view. Perception & forecast will change if any new quarter result release. Reader take their own risk & should do own homework to follow up every quarter result to adjust forecast of fundamental value of the company