Join Us in Vegas in April for the 2023 MUFC

Join Us in Vegas in April for the 2023 MUFC

Greetings my Fellow Franchisees,

I am honored and grateful to serve as the Chairman for the 2023 Multi-Unit Franchising Conference (MUFC) next April 25 through April 28 in Las Vegas at the Caesars Forum. I am excited to be able to give back to the conference that has given me so much personally, professionally, and financially for the more than 20 years I have been attending. 

Like many of us, I attend many events during the year. But no other event is like the MUFC. The conference has given me the opportunity to meet, network, and develop relationships with the most successful people in franchising. Many have become close friends over the years and have helped me learn and grow my business even further.

The MUFC’s educational tracks bring you the latest ideas, innovations, and success strategies to help you navigate the challenges of operating and growing a franchise in today’s environment. The educational sessions are unique in that you will hear and learn from the direct experiences of successful franchisees from across many different businesses. For me, I know that many of the ideas and strategies I have implemented in my own business over the years have come from franchisees outside of my industry.

The MUFC brings together more resources in one place than you can find anywhere else: finance, technology, human resources, benefits, marketing, social media, real estate, construction, and dozens of other tools from service providers and suppliers that we need to run our businesses more efficiently and effectively.

And not least of all, there is no other event where you will find as many opportunities for new brands to grow your business for the future. Next year’s event promises to bring you hundreds of the most innovative, established, and fastest-growing franchise opportunities available today.

There is simply no other event that can offer you the relationships, ideas, resources, and opportunities that will help you and your business grow toward a bigger future.

I look forward to seeing you there!


With gratitude,

Gary Robins

(Multi-unit Supercuts owner)

On a sad note, former MUFC Chairman and longtime Advisory Board Member Greg Cutchall passed recently. Friend and peer to many of us, Greg’s impact on the conference will be missed, but never forgotten.

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