More Weird Ways to Make Money

In the 21st century, the only limitation to making money is your imagination.

Here are four weird ways you can start making money today.

Professional Pet Medium

Do you believe in the paranormal? Do you believe that haunted houses, ghosts, reincarnation, witches, or that people with the ability to communicate with the dead exist?

Don’t laugh too much – over 73% of Americans believe in the paranormal and psychic phenomenon.

And over 21% of Americans believe that clairvoyants, or “mediums” exist and have the ability to communicate with the spirits of the dead in the afterlife. 

Sounds ridiculous? Turn on your cable TV or streaming service and count how many medium, ghost hunters, or haunted house reality shows are currently airing.

Do you have the abilities of a medium? Want to get training? There is a rising demand for mediums with the ability to communicate with the deceased pets of their clients. 

Google it yourself. Many writers on well-known blog sites have written about patronizing pet mediums

You need certification or a license to be a psychic, but you will need a business license to operate as one depending on where you live.

At Best Psychic Registry, you can post your professional contact data to connect with clients in your area. Your focus and abilities as a medium are up to you, we are just saying you can stand out by being a pet-based medium.

No training, no problem – Best Psychic Registry will train you. You can also find medium online courses on educational websites like Udemy.

You can make $125 per hourly session.

Healthy Wage (Take Pledges and Bets to Lose Weight)

Healthy Wage facilitates you taking pledges or bets for you to lose weight.

So, the more weight you lose, the more money you can make. 

Most people win a few hundred or thousand or two, but the top prize is $10,000.

You can get people you know to pledge. Or you can form teams with family or coworkers and lose weight as a group.

Lice Removal Technician

A hard part of life for children in public schools is that just like on a cruise ship, communicable diseases, like Chicken Pox or the flu, spread like wildfire during a semester.

And now that schools are reopening more, another health problem plaguing schools anew is lice

Up to 1% to 5% of the K-12 school population has lice every school year. That could sometimes be the equivalent of 12 million children. And the average child is infected with lice for up to three weeks before the problem is discovered.

Schools, workplaces, and private individuals regularly call lice technicians to help with breakouts.

Lice Doctors will train you to become a certified lice technician. You can make $200 for the first hour and $129 for every hour afterward. 

Each work session lasts at least five hours. And if you treat a family of four, multiple employees at a workplace, or students at a school, you could make hundreds of dollars per day.

Become a Beekeeper, Rent Your Bees to California Almond Farmers

Please pay attention – this will sound pretty wacky at first, but the more I keep talking, the more sense it will make.

California is the only state where almonds are grown commercially for the domestic and international market. However, almonds can’t be grown with bees to facilitate pollination.

For decades, California almond farmers have been contracting and hiring out-of-state beekeepers to rent their bees during the almond growing season. California almonds are harvested from August to October and grown the rest of the year.

Almost 2 million hives must be transported to California annually to pollinate one million acres of almond trees. California makes $2.2 billion annually from its almond industry. And entrepreneurial beekeepers collectively make $240 million renting their bee colonies to California Almond farmers.

California needs almost 50 billion bees annually to pollinate its crops. It takes about two bee colonies to pollinate one almond farm acre. When you break it down further, there are 20,000 bees in a single bee colony. (A larger colony can contain over 60,000 bees.)

So, it takes one bee to produce 20 almonds. 

A California almond farmer will pay $200 per hive for rental. Sometimes the price can be as high as $1,200.

You can also rent your hives out to businesses or restaurants that want to make their own proprietary honey products. Or you can rent them to florists, gardeners, fruit and vegetable farmers, and any businesses that need mass-scale pollination on an immediate basis.

Here are three sources for some basic beekeeper beginner information:

Make connections with local apiary clubs. Learn about beekeeping from professionals. And it is a great way to learn how to monetize your hives.

It could take a season or two to grow enough bees to make money. And you need to make connections. You also need the right equipment and facilities to care for the bees and transport them when needed.

And beware of theft. Beehive theft is rampant because of the California almond industry. Over 1,000 beehives were stolen in February 2022.

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