[Report] DCASA Regional Meetings – Debtfree Magazine

Various sponsors and supporters came on board to help cover costs like the venue and snacks.

Their generous support makes such meetings possible and pleasant. Among the various sponsors and supporters have been:

Consumer Friend


DC Partner PDA



VHT Attorneys

Other sponsors, like Hyphen PDA, iPDA and ONE, will be involved in sponsoring meetings later in the year.

At the various meetings these supporters had the opportunity to not only display to and network with attendees but they were also able to make presentations and take questions from attendees.

For example, Finwise discussed their software which integrates with DC Partner PDA and the many features designed to make a Debt Counsellor’s life easier – like integration with credit providers and CRM programs. 

Datanamix discussed the additional functionality they offer over and above their R4/ credit reports. 

Laminin discussed their 100 number anti spam rotation system and the focus on omni channel (multi channel) ways of reaching consumers at times and in ways that are convenient to them. This allows for higher conversions and better after care.

DCCP spoke about their specialist insurance policies for consumers in debt review (Credit Life insurance) and how the rates can be adjusted to be competitive with that offered by credit providers.

Such presentations allowed those attending to consider making use of the services and to get a better understanding of why such features are important.

Legal Matters

VHT Attorneys also offered a helpful summary and sparked discussion about two recent court cases. One where a Debt Counsellor received a R250 000 fine and another where the High Court confirmed that the National Consumer Tribunal does not have to rescind consent orders (even if there were some concerns). This ruling had to do with efforts of the wave of “get out of debt review” scammers and services being offered on social media.

Read More: Gauteng High Court Shuts Down Get Out Debt Review Strategy

Lessons learned were that if Debt Counsellors have a special Power of Attorney they use it would be good to mention that this would apply both to court and the Tribunal as options. This is helpful even though the Debt Counsellor themselves is always the applicant in court matters and consumers provide confirmatory affidavits.

Also, it is vital to have good record keeping and signed forms easily accessible should a consumer dispute having asked for debt review services.

Legal updates at such meetings keep members current and alert them to any needed changes to processes or paperwork they may need to put in place.

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