Should You Choose Sebastian or Natty?

In Hogwarts Legacy, players will be presented with many choices throughout the game, and it can be challenging to know how great of an impact each one will have on the overall narrative. Most choices in the game will have little to no effect on things at all. However, one decision that can change narrative beats comes from an early mission in the game where the protagonist must choose between two characters to accompany them to Hogsmeade: Natty Onai or Sebastian Sallow.

This quest called “Welcome to Hogsmeade” is the first opportunity to finally journey to the wizarding village, and the choice between Natty and Sebastian for such an exciting occasion can seem daunting. However, this is not one of the biggest choices in Hogwarts Legacy that matters long-term. Whomever players choose, it will be largely inconsequential to the overall story and the outcome of the trip to Hogsmeade, only impacting the conversations the protagonist will have there.

Who To Choose Between Sebastian and Natty

It’s All Up To Player Preference

Hogwarts Legacy Natty asking the player about going to Hogsmeade together.

To gain access to the quest in the first place, players will need to complete two classes and then meet with Hogwarts Legacy‘s Professor Weasley, who will offer them the choice to go with either Natty or Sebastian. Once that decision is made, the story will be temporarily sidetracked from the trip by a brief assignment from Professor Ronen that revolves around learning the Reparo spell for use on a broken statue. Once this is completed, the protagonist can meet either Sebastian or Natty and be on their way to Hogsmeade.

There will also be plenty of other opportunities to build these relationships down the line, as ”
Welcome to Hogsmeade
” takes place quite early in the game’s story.

Ultimately, the choice between Sebastian or Natty for the trip to Hogsmeade in Hogwarts Legacycomes down to player preference. Players can simply select which character they prefer or find more interesting. Another way to choose is by considering the houses the two characters belong to. Natty is part of the Gryffindor house, and Sebastian lives in Slytherin. If the player has already chosen to join one of these houses, selecting within the same house may align with the protagonist from a narrative standpoint. There’s no right or wrong answer here.

What Happens If You Choose Natty

She Shares Her Preferences And Backstory

Natty Hogwarts Legacy

Natsai Onai, known as Natty, is one of the NPCs whose players can choose to accompany them on a trip to Hogsmeade in Hogwarts Legacy. Natty grew up in Africa, where she learned the magical art of Animagus and the power to transform into a gazelle. If the player chooses to visit Hogsmeade with Natty, she will tell them more about herself, her past, and how she feels about Hogwarts.

If you choose Natty to be your companion for this quest, then she will give you a tour of Hogsmeade. In between chats about the cold weather (which took her a long time to get used to) and how lovely it is to be outside, Natty will disclose a bit more about her backstory and what drives her.

She reveals that her mother, who is the Professor of Divination at Hogwarts, chose her elective for her. She also talks about the culture shock of being in a completely new place and her passion for exploring the outdoors. Natty’s personality becomes clear along the way. She is diligent and studious and receives praise from professors.

What Happens If You Choose Sebastian

Learn What Motivates Him

Sebastian Sallow looking worried in Hogwarts Legacy

Sebastian Sallow is the other companion that players can choose to go to Hogsmeade with them. Sebastian is a student of Slytherin and the polar opposite of Natty. Where Natty is serious and rule-abiding, Sebastian is a charming troublemaker who spends plenty of time in detention.

The trip to Hogsmeade, Sebastian admits, may have saved him from detention once again. As the player talks to him, the reasons for his misbehavior come to light, and they are more serious than they first appear. Sebastian tells the player that he often gets in trouble with the librarian because he’s always prowling around in the restricted section, though he’s elusive as to why.

As the conversation progresses, Sebastian is revealed to have a twin sister, Anne. She’s also a Slytherin student, but she’s been afflicted with a terrible curse. As players get to know Sebastian, they learn that he’s trying to learn dark magic in a desperate attempt to help his sister recover. This early bit of information sets the character’s backstory and makes it clear why Hogwarts Legacy’s Sebastian ends up making the choices he makes later in the game.

What Changes If You Choose To Go To Hogsmeade With Natty Or Sebastian

The Dialogue Is Different For Each Character

Sebastian and Natty standing in front of a picture of Hogsmeade Village in Hogwarts Legacy

Choosing Natty or Sebastian only changes two things in the story: the dialogue in Hogsmeade and who helps you in the fight against the Armored troll. Since the two characters have distinct personalities and motivations, the conversations will look different depending on who you choose. Choosing Natty does not lock you out of Sebastian’s questline. The reverse is also true: Going with Sebastian to Hogsmeade will not lock you out of Natty’s quests, either.

Other than dialogue, this choice doesn’t affect the main story or Hogwarts Legacy‘s ending, so it really is just up to the player to decide which character they’d rather go with. So, whichever character is chosen to visit the iconic Hogwarts Legacy location, players can rest easy that it won’t have a lasting impact on their game.

Editor’s Note: Harry Potter creator J.K. Rowling has been accused of transphobia by those in the LGBTQ+ community. Although not directly involved in the development of Hogwarts Legacy, Rowling does stand to earn royalties from the game. We would like to reiterate our support for trans rights and that trans identities are valid. Support services are listed below for trans people impacted by discussions of transphobia.

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