Silver Surfer Will Never Atone For His Days as the Herald of Galactus


  • The Silver Surfer is challenged by Terrax in a fight over his past as Galactus’ herald in “Hierarchy of Power.”
  • Despite his efforts, the Surfer is still seen as Galactus’ former herald by many in the galaxy, facing scrutiny and judgment.
  • The story highlights the ongoing struggle of the Silver Surfer for redemption, despite his noble actions and efforts to atone.

Warning: contains spoilers for “Hierarchy of Power,” appearing in Giant Size Silver Surfer #1!

When fans first met the Silver Surfer, he was a herald of Galactus, and now Marvel has confirmed he will always be remembered as such, and never receive atonement. The Surfer leaves Galactus’ service shortly after his introduction, but in Giant Size Silver Surfer #1, Terrax, another former herald, tracks Norrin Radd down, challenging him to a fight. Along the way, revelations about how the galaxy sees the Surfer come to light.

Terrax challenges Silver Surfer to a fight in the story “Hierarchy of Power,” written by Mat Groom and drawn by Tommaso Bianchi and appearing in Giant Size Silver Surfer #1. When the Silver Surfer asks why he wants to fight, Terrax laments that he, as another former herald of Galactus, is often judged against the Silver Surfer–and found lacking. This realization angers Terrax, and he now seeks to strip the Surfer of the Power Cosmic, and expose him as a fraud.

Five panels of Terrax and Silver Surfer

However, the Surfer, working with Moondragon, is able to get the best of Terrax.

The Silver Surfer Is Still the Best Known Herald of Galactus

The Silver Surfer’s Struggle for Redemption Has Driven His Character

The Surfer was the first herald of Galactus’ fans saw, and even though he eventually rebuked his master, the association with the planet-killer remains steadfast in the eyes of many.

The planet-eater Galactus uses heralds to find his worlds suitable for consumption, and has employed many over the years. Among their ranks include Terrax, Firelord and Nova (Frankie Rayes), but the Silver Surfer stands head and shoulders among them. The Surfer was the first herald of Galactus’ fans saw, and even though he eventually rebuked his master, the association with the planet-killer remains steadfast in the eyes of many. The “herald” label is one they do not seem to easily shake, as even Terrax and Firelord are still remembered for their time with Galactus.

The Silver Surfer was created by the legendary team of Stan Lee and Jack Kirby

Since departing from Galactus’ employ, the Silver Surfer has tried hard to atone for his past actions, with a large degree of success. While exiled on Earth, the Silver Surfer made friends with many of Earth’s heroes, who came to respect him, seeing him as one of the most noble and moral among them. Later, when his exile ended, and the Surfer retook to the spaceways, he could begin his journey to redemption in earnest. The universe beckoned once again to the Surfer, and this time he could soar free of Galactus’ influence.


Galactus & Silver Surfer’s Combined Form Is Their Perfect Ending

When Silver Surfer combines with Galactus to save the universe from annihilation, it provides the perfect ending for two legendary characters.

The Silver Surfer Will Never Be Redeemed

The Silver Surfer Inflicted Deep Scars Upon the Galaxy


Silver Surfer and Screaming Galactus Comic Art

However, as seen in “Hierarchy of Power,” the Silver Surfer still has a long path to redemption ahead of him. While a lot of what Terrax says is filtered through his prejudices and thus to be taken with a grain of salt, he still raises valid points about how the Surfer is still viewed throughout the universe. Beings from across the universe still associate the Surfer primarily with Galactus. Some still bear the scars of losing their homeworld to Galactus, and will be slow to forgive the Silver Surfer, even though he has worked hard to atone for his sins.

Giant Size Silver Surfer #1 is on sale now from Marvel Comics!

“Hierarchy of Power,” appearing in Giant-Size Silver Surfer #1 (2024)

giant-size silver surfer comic cover, silver surfer vs terrax

  • Writer: Mat Groom
  • Artist: Tommaso Bianchi
  • Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
  • Letterer: Joe Sabino
  • Cover Artist: Bryan Hitch & Alex Sinclair

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