Storm Debuts Stunning New Costume to Mark Her Status as “Earth’s Mightiest Mutant”

Warning: Spoilers for Storm #2!There’s nothing Marvel’s resident Weather Goddess can’t do. Storm has led the X-Men, sat on the throne of Wakanda, acted as regent of Arakko, and evolved into one of Earth’s fiercest protectors. As she gears up to face new trials and secure her place in a post-Krakoa world, she debuts a fresh look to go along with it, and the “Brutal Storm Costume” is one of her best yet.

Marvel unveiled stunning images from the upcoming Storm #2 by Murewa Ayodele and Lucas Werneck featuring Storm’s eye-catching “Brutal Storm Costume,” dubbed so by writer Ayodele. The full-body suit is a regal white with gold trim, and the sleek costume change comes on the heals of Ororo working to establish herself as a solo hero after years of leading and working alongside the X-Men and other teams.

While she’s still taken up a position with the Avengers, it’s a new dawn for the weather-controlling mutant. Though Storm is no stranger to switching up her look, the Brutal Storm Costume gives her the powerful air only Ororo Munroe can pull off.

Storm’s “Brutal Storm Costume” Marks the Beginning of Her New Era

Storm #2 Cover by Mateus Manhanini

Storm #2 Cover with Storm looking scared and surrounded by snakes and insects.

Storm has a long string of accomplishments behind her, and she’s long since proven herself as one of the most capable, powerful heroes to grace the Earth. She claims Omega mutant status thanks to her extraordinary weather-controlling abilities, and she’s been entrusted with teams, countries, and lives for years. Her new series proves that nothing slows her down. Even as she battles the radiation she endured in Storm #1, she continues to travel the world, protecting its oceans, caring for its creatures, and pouring her many gifts into being a true steward of the planet.


X-Men’s Storm Is Becoming a Literal Goddess as “The Eternal Storm”

The iconic X-Men legend Storm is finally transforming into a literal goddess, as Eternity claims her as worthy to become the Eternal Storm.

On the surface, the “Brutal Storm Costume” seems like a simple costume change, but the shift represents something far greater. Ororo is entering a new chapter in her life, and the suit swap is yet another way to show it. She established a base with her beautiful Storm Sanctuary, announced her dip into politics, and allied herself with the Avengers. Her sheer power already makes her one of Earth’s strongest heroes, but her commitment to bettering the planet elevates her to the mightiest mutant. Marvel has launched a new era for mutantkind, and it’s certainly a new era for Storm.

Storm’s Power and Influence Continue to Grow

Panel from Storm #1, Available Now from Marvel Comics

Comic book panel: Ororo strides forward in her Storm Sanctuary.

As the X-Men split with conflicting agendas, Storm continues to focus on her personal path forward and the future she wants to see for her people and the planet as a whole. She’s spent years guiding others and forging the relationships that can now assist her in making the lasting impact she’s always been capable of, and her future is purely in her hands. Ororo Munroe is, at last, taking the world by storm in a way only she can manage, and her Brutal Storm Costume is symbolic of her growth as a hero beyond being with the X-Men – as well as her changing place on the planet.

Storm #2 is available November 20th, 2024 from Marvel Comics.

Source: Marvel


Created By
Len Wein , Dave Cockrum

First Appearance
Giant-Size X-Men

Ororo Munroe

X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic Four

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