The Hargreeves’ Numbers Correspond To Power


  • The numbers of the Hargreeves siblings in
    The Umbrella Academy
    may not correspond to their actual power levels.
  • Reginald’s detached parenting style led to deep-seated issues in the adopted children.
  • The Umbrella Academy numbers theory suggests the siblings are ranked by power, but this theory falls apart as the show progresses.

Many viewers wonder if the numbers of each Hargreeves sibling in The Umbrella Academy correspond to their respective power levels. Based on the comic book series by Gerard Way and Gabriel Ba, The Umbrella Academy begins with the spontaneous births of 43 super-powered children across the globe at exactly the same time. Seven of them are purchased by the mysterious Sir Reginald Hargreeves, who turns them into the famous crime-fighting team known as the Umbrella Academy.

A major theme of the Netflix series deals with Reginald’s detached method of parenting – an upbringing that led to some deep-seated mental issues for the adopted children. As part of his hands-off approach to being a father, Reginald would refer to his children by number only, and the Umbrella Academy numbers have been a source of curiosity ever since. Some fans have theorized that the numbers of the Hargreeves siblings represent how powerful they are, and there are several ways this theory holds up — and just as many that it doesn’t.

For a quick recap of the numbers of each Hargreeves sibling in the
Umbrella Academy,
Luther is Number One, Diego is Number Two, Allison is Number 3, Klaus is Number 4,
Number 5
has no other name, Ben is Number 6 and, finally, Viktor is Number 7. Additionally, the children were all born at the same time, so the numbers can’t denote age, which might usually be the obvious ordering method.


The Umbrella Academy Powers, Ranked Lamest To Coolest

The Umbrella Academy features characters with fantastic superpowers. However, some of these abilities are way cooler than others.

The Powers Of Each Hargreeves Sibling Explained (And Their Corresponding Number)

Knowing The Powers Of Each Umbrella Academy Member Is Essential For The Theory

The Umbrella Academy makes no real reference to the Hargreeves sibling numbers having any meaning, and they appear to have been assigned at random. However, looking at the powers of each individual sibling and their corresponding number, it is somewhat easy to see why there are many fans who latched onto the idea that Reginald Hargreeves assigned them to his adopted children based on how powerful he believed they’d become. Counting down the Umbrella Academy numbers from highest to lowest, a loose pattern does seem to emerge.

Hargreeves Sibling

Umbrella Academy Number




Sound wave manipulation



Creation of tentacles

Number 5


Time and space manipulation



Communication with the dead (and, later, immortality)



Control of others with verbal commands



Trajectory manipulation via telekinesis



Super strength

Proof That The Umbrella Academy Numbers Theory Is Legitimate

The Numbers Theory Worked During The First Season Of The Show

It was mainly due to the events of The Umbrella Academy season 1 that the numbers theory emerged and was seen as somewhat legitimate. While initially thought to be the weakest, Viktor (who went by the name Vanya in the first seasons) is ultimately revealed to be the strongest of all the Umbrella Academy kids, possessing enough power to destroy the moon, and Reginald was aware of this potential from the very beginning.

With Viktor the most powerful of the Hargreeves children and the designated Number 7, reading the list in descending order does seem to reveal that the Academy are numbered in terms of power. As Number 6, Ben should be the second most powerful, according to the Umbrella Academy numbers theory. With his ability to summon the eldritch tentacles of a demonic beast from another dimension, Ben is capable of taking down large amounts of enemies with ease.

Moving down the list, Number 5 would be the 3rd most powerful member of The Umbrella Academy, which makes sense when taking into account Reginald’s stern warnings about the use of time travel. Conjuring the dead puts Klaus at 4th, though he’s also a key factor behind the Umbrella Academy numbers theory holding less weight than ever by the finale of season 4.

Able to convince enemies to do anything she wishes, Allison would, quite rightly, come below time travel and demon summoning but is more powerful than Diego and Luther, whose abilities are purely physical in nature. Coming in second from bottom, Diego is able to manipulate thrown objects, which is slightly more useful than Luther’s super strength and durability — the least superhuman ability of all the Academy members.


Every Hargreeves Sibling’s New Powers In The Umbrella Academy Season 4

The Umbrella Academy’s Hargreeves siblings regain their powers in season 4, but their returned abilities aren’t exactly the same as before.

Proof That The Numbers Theory Holds No Weight

The Number Of Each Hargreeves Sibling Meant Very Little

The Umbrella Academy season 4 Reginald and Abigail waiting for the Cleanse

By the end of The Umbrella Academy season 1, the numbers of the Hargreeves children did seem to correlate strongly to the perceived strength of their powers — or it did, at least, until the show continued through to season 2 and beyond. As the show progressed, it became clear that the Umbrella Academy numbers didn’t signify how powerful each Hargreeves sibling was. The theory became increasingly easier to pick apart and, by the end of The Umbrella Academy season 4, the number designations felt more-or-less arbitrary.

A key reason for this is that the powers of the Umbrella Academy members evolved throughout the show. For example, Klaus in season 1 had the ability to communicate with the dead. By the end of season 4, he was immortal, could levitate, allow the dead to possess him, and had a whole host of other abilities that were only hinted at prior to the show ending.

Allison also a significant power boost. Her powers don’t just stop at the ability to manipulate others by whispering “I heard a rumor that…” and following it up with a command. She’s able to bend reality to a degree, and command others without using her verbal prompt. What’s more, even before she reached the full extent of her abilities, her “I heard a rumor” command was able to make people’s heads explode (for example). This is clearly much more powerful than simply being able to make others do what she wants.

Then, of course, there’s Number 5. The most mysterious Umbrella Academy sibling was clearly incredibly powerful from the beginning. However, by the end of the show, it became apparent that his power is the manipulation of both space and time. Viktor may have been able to blow up the moon, but Number 5 could destroy entire timelines if he desired, rewriting history to suit his whims.

Luther, Diego, and Ben may have been placed somewhat correctly, with the Umbrella Academy numbers correlating with their rough place in the power-scale. However, Viktor was far from the most powerful member of the Umbrella Academy, he simply had the potential to be the most immediately destructive.

Working out the strongest of Reginald’s children is a contest between Klaus, Allison, and Number 5. Exactly which of them holds the title is subjective, but it’s inarguable that all three of them could have been 7 if the Umbrella Academy numbers theory held weight (especially since Reginald Hargreeves more-than-likely knew the extent of their abilities, as he did with Viktor’s in season 1).

Does The Numbers Theory Work With The Sparrow Academy?

The Sparrow Academy More-Or-Less Proved The Umbrella Academy Numbers Meant Very Little

The Umbrella Academy season 3 the Sparrow Academy

The Umbrella Academy season 3 introduced the Sparrow Academy, a version of the team from an alternate timeline with entirely different members. Just like in the original timeline, Reginald Hargreeves had assigned each of the Sparrow Academy members with a number. Also just like the original timeline, these designations seemed to be entirely arbitrary and didn’t correspond with how powerful they were.

While there were a few similarities and ways that the Sparrow Academy supported the Umbrella Academy numbers theory (such as Marcus, who had super strength like Luther, being number 1), there were also glaring ways they disproved it too. The key example is Jayme, the Number 6 of the Sparrow Academy. Jayme’s ability was simply to make others hallucinate with her venomous spit. If the numbers theory did apply to the Sparrow Academy, she’d have been designated as Number 1, since she was arguably the weakest.

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