The Q are Finally Evolving in Star Trek Lore (All Thanks to Q’s Son)


  • Q Jr finally fulfills his destiny in a spectacular fashion in
    Sons of Star Trek
  • Q Jr’s growth and maturity are highlighted as he seeks love and approval from his father.
  • Despite his power, Q Jr is still a child seeking approval, but ultimately helps the Continuum evolve.

Warning: contains spoilers for Sons of Star Trek #4!

The Q, one of the many god-like beings inhabiting the Star Trek universe, is finally evolving–and it is all thanks to Q’s son. Introduced in Star Trek: Voyager, Q Jr was created to help move the Continuum forward. Questions linger over whether Q Jr fulfilled his mission, but in Sons of Star Trek #4, he finally fulfills his destiny in a spectacular fashion.

Sons of Star Trek #4 is written by Morgan Hampton and drawn by Angel Hernandez. Q Jr has brought Nog, Alexander and Jake to an alternate reality. Here, Q Jr pulls a page out of his father’s playbook, trying to teach the trio a lesson. However, his powers quit working. Q Jr realizes that, in the process of trying to teach Jake and company something, he was actually searching for love and approval of his own.

Five panels of Q and Q Jr

His powers returned upon this realization, and even earned praise from his father, who said Q Jr’s actions would help the Continuum grow.

Q Needed a Child to Move His People Forward

Q Jr Turned Out to be a Colossal Failure–At First

John De Lancie as Q in Star Trek

Q, the trickster figure of Star Trek lore, menaced not only Captain Picard on several occasions, but Captain Janeway as well. In the wake of a near-civil war, which Janeway helped stop, in the Q Continuum, Q Jr was created to create a path to peace. However, he grew to become petulant, forcing the other Q to step in. In the seventh season Star Trek: Voyager episode “Q2,’ Janeway became Q Jr’s guardian. Under her influence, Q Jr began to grow and mature. Sons of Star Trek picks this thread up, and continues Q Jr’s progress.

In the episode “Q2,” Q Jr was played by Keegan De Lancie, the son of John De Lancie, who plays Q

The relationship between fathers and their sons was at the core of Sons of Star Trek, and this extended to the children of gods. Despite his great power and omnipotent nature, Q Jr is still a child, one seeking the approval of his parents. Q Jr wanted to be like his father, and tried to teach Jake and his friends a lesson. Q Jr, by trying to be more like his father, was actually seeking his approval. Q Jr gets it at the end of Sons of Star Trek #4, free at last to be his own person.


Star Trek Already Confirmed the 1 Species More Powerful Than the Q

Q, Star Trek’s trickster figure, has very few peers in the universe, but another, surprise species can give him a serious run for his money.

Q Jr Finally Fulfilled His Destiny

What Lies Next for the Q Continuum

Q lounges on the bridge of the USS Enterprise-D in a Starfleet uniform in Star Trek: TNG.

Q Jr’s appearance on Star Trek: Voyager made it clear he has let the Continuum down several times, but now he has finally done something that impresses them. Q Jr admitted to his shortcomings and confessed he genuinely cared for others. While his father did not approve of this aspect of his son’s personality, he nevertheless agreed it would help the Continuum evolve. This was exactly what Q Jr was created to do, and the lesson he learned here will help the Q evolve further in Star Trek lore.

Sons of Star Trek #4 is on sale now from IDW Publishing!

Sons of Star Trek #4 (2024)

Sons of Star Trek 4 COVER

  • Writer: Morgan Hampton
  • Artist: Angel Hernandez
  • Colorist: Nick Filardi
  • Letterer: Clayton Cowles
  • Cover Artist: Jake Bartok

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