The Unstoppable Franchisee: 7 Drivers of Next Level Growth

Gary Prenevost, FranNet of Canada’s market president serving Toronto, Ontario, and Quebec, has been the subject of several of our previous blogs, but a pending announcement was found to be worthy of yet another. Yes, as the title above references, Gary – already a man of many talents – is getting ready to be a published author! He’s currently finishing up a book entitled, “The Unstoppable Franchisee: 7 Drivers of Next-Level Growth.”

The official publishing date is currently listed as April 2023, but we can give you a sneak preview of what to expect below…

Expect Plenty of Quotable Insights

According to an interview Prenevost gave to last year, the book is based on a wide range of interviews with people in the franchising industry – from franchisees all the way up to CEOs. Taken from this interview, Prenevost is quoted as saying, “I’ve interviewed at least 26 CEOs, and I’m interviewing the top franchisees right now. It’s a passion for the work, not passion for the product. They love the work it takes to put that value proposition in the customer’s hands. It’s not about the brand — it’s about the ability to deliver the brand promise.”

Franchisee Performance Factors

Having a “People First” attitude is a winning attribute among franchisees, regardless of the brand, product, or service. Prenevost has conducted a lot of research about franchisee performance and noted a clear difference between the average performers and the elite. Taken from the same interview, he’s quoted as saying, “With average-performing franchises, it’s all about me. ‘I’m running this business. I’m great at this. They’re working for me. But without exception, the top-performing franchisee leaders I’ve spoken with say, ‘I put my people first. It’s about helping them succeed.’”

256 Jam-Packed Pages and 7 Drivers of Growth

According to the product details listed on the Barnes and Noble website, one of the book’s retailers, Prenevosts’ book registers in at 256 pages and will be a hardcover edition. The overview from the site is specific to the takeaways:

Supercharge the success of your franchise with secrets from North America’s top performers. “The Unstoppable Franchisee” is jam-packed with the real-world experience of franchisees who have grown their business in some of North America’s largest franchise brands as well as smaller brands that are seizing opportunity in a fast-changing economic environment. Gary Prenevost delivers an actionable 7-step framework any franchisee can adopt to achieve next-level growth for their franchise. Prenevost’s deep knowledge of the industry, having created successful franchises himself, complements the more than 50 industry voices and current research and data that inform the numerous valuable and actionable ideas.

There’s no doubt that Gary Prenevost is a man of many talents, but soon he’ll be able to add “accomplished author” to his distinguished resume. He’s now in his third decade of helping entrepreneurs make their business ownership dreams come true, so if you’re in the Toronto, Ontario, or Quebec areas of Canada, he’s your No. 1 resource to help you find the perfect franchise opportunity.

2022 has begun to wind down to the finish line, so if you’re ready to begin your entrepreneurial journey before the year is out, FranNet of Canada can help you get started. With consultants serving every Canadian province, you can set up a no-cost, no-obligation appointment with one of our qualified representatives. To find your local province consultant, simply follow this link and select “Canada” on the FranNet Franchise Consultant Directory page of our website. Getting started is easy – you can take our FranNet Ownership Quiz – or simply make an appointment to speak with one of our franchise experts today. And don’t forget to read our bi-monthly blog series, covering franchising issues for all Canadian entrepreneurs!

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