Twilight Becomes A Haunting Fairy Tale In Stunning Art

New AI-generated art turns Twilight into a whimsical fairy tale. The movie franchise, starring Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart, followed Bella Swan (Stewart) as she fell in love with a vampire named Edward Cullen (Pattinson) and learned to navigate his world. Based on the best-selling novels by Stephenie Meyer, the films were a global success, with the entire franchise grossing over $3 billion worldwide. While the Twilight movies weren’t a hit with critics, they were beloved by viewers, resulting in its phenomenal box office draw and high marks from audiences on Rotten Tomatoes.

A profile on Instagram, @wearearada, known for AI-generated art that throws a dash of pink on its subjects, did its own treatment of the beloved Twilight franchise. Check it out below:

Each portrait bathes the characters in pink and dresses them up in fabulous outfits. Pattinson’s Edward dons a pink dress while holding a glass of wine (or blood), and it’s somehow very fitting. Stewart’s Bella, in her own pink dress, looks like the heroine of a fairy tale, along with the other characters depicted in the post. The only character not donning pink is Taylor Lautner’s Jacob Black, who looks surly and brooding in an outfit of sparkling black and brown furs.

What This Genre Change Would Mean For Twilight

A Fairy Tale Set-Up Actually Suits Twilight Quite Well

One of the post’s more impressive images is a white wolf trotting in front of a castle in the night with a hue of pink light upon its face. This encapsulates the potential of how a fairy tale version of Twilight could work, taking place in a time when modern mansions are replaced with towering castles and where a room with a wall of albums in vinyl, such as Edward’s bedroom, would be replaced with bedchambers of stone and candlelight.

While this would instead make the story a fairy tale retelling of Dracula and not the contemporary piece it ended up being, the series could have benefited from a more whimsical tone.

It’s an interesting concept and an aesthetic that matches the melodrama of both the book series and the movie franchise. While this would instead make the story a fairy tale retelling of Dracula and not the contemporary piece it ended up being, the series could have benefited from a more whimsical tone. At times, Twilight has been mocked for being too serious and dramatic, particularly when it comes to Bella and Edward’s romance. Turning to a genre that allows for heightened emotions could make the series even more compelling.

Our Take On The AI-Generated Images And A Fairy Tale Twilight

It Would Be An Interesting Scenario, But The Franchise Is Doing Okay Without It

Taylor Lautner as Jacob and Kristen Stewart as Bella as they look off in the distance while outside in The Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 2

While I’m not a big fan of AI-generated art, the concept here is at least intriguing, presenting a version of Twilight I would have no reservations about getting behind. It’s almost as compelling as Meyer’s gender-swapping retelling of Twilight, where a boy named Beau Swan falls in love with a vampire named Edyth Cullen. Both sound like interesting alternatives that reveal new aspects of the main story. However, Twilight did just fine without them, as the films have become a guilty pleasure for fans of romance and vampiric tales. The franchise will soon produce a TV show as well, showing its overall longevity.

Source: @wearearada (via Instagram)

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