Wentworth Miller & Dominic Purcell’s New Show Is Even Better Than A Prison Break Season 6


  • Snatchback
    is a better project for Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell than
    Prison Break
    , allowing them to tell a new story.
  • Prison Break
    ‘s multiple endings complicated the story, giving season 6 or a reboot a disadvantage.
  • Season 5 of
    Prison Break
    reused old plotlines, highlighting the need for a different project like

Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell have a newly-announced series, and it’s a much better reteaming than a potential Prison Break season 6. Purcell and Miller’s new series Snatchback will bring the two co-stars back together into the world of procedurals after their appearances on CW’s The Flash. Their roles as antagonists were highly entertaining, but Snatchback provides a chance for the two to revise parts of their former characters fans have not seen since the Prison Break movie and season 5 of the series.

Prison Break’s popularity is largely due to Miller and Purcell’s characters, whose bond and skills allowed them to conquer the challenges each season brought to the show. Despite this, Prison Break was canceled due to several factors, allowing the actors to dive into new roles. While Hulu has announced that a Prison Break reboot is in development and a season 6 was planned, this new series should end up being a better project for the duo.

Snatchback Is A Better Project For Wentworth Miller & Dominic Purcell Than Prison Break Season 6

Snatchback Would Allow Them To Tell A New Story

Lincoln Burrows and Michael Scofield in Prison Break

Miller and Purcell’s new series Snatchback is a better project than Prison Break season 6 since it will let them tell a new story. According to Variety, Snatchback‘s story revolves around a team of highly trained operatives who are privately contracted to recover hostages from danger around the world. While it will likely share some similarities to Prison Break due to the premise, Snatchback will allow Miller and Purcell to tell new stories rather than repeat similar ones.

Prison Break
was canceled several times due to creative problems, but before that point, the story was beginning to suffer.

Snatchback‘s premise allows the series to maintain its thrills, as the possibilities of who needs saving and where can easily shift. This would not only keep the story dynamic but also avoid some of the problems from Prison Break‘s later seasons. Prison Break was canceled several times due to creative problems, but before that point, the story was beginning to suffer. The former thrilling action was becoming too predictable as the series started to recycle old plotlines. Those issues became even more apparent after the show was renewed, creating multiple endings.

Prison Break Has Already Had Three Different Endings (& Is Getting A Reboot)

The Reboot Could Complicate The Ending Further

Prison Break’s multiple endings largely complicated the story, giving a hypothetical season 6 a massive disadvantage. Prison Break’s season 4 ending wrapped the story up tightly as the characters succeeded in defeating the Company and Michael Scofield’s (Wentworth Miller) brain tumor was cured. Though it was canceled, the series did get a companion film, which ended with Michael’s tragic death. However, despite a nine-year gap and the film’s definitive ending, the series was revived for a season 5.

Season 5 complicated the original ending and then the movie ending by revealing that Michael was alive in Yemen, forcing his friends to stage yet another prison break. The season ended on a happier note with Michael reuniting with his family, but only further broke the story while also reusing several of the same beats from previous seasons. Prison Break’s new reboot could do the same as it is set in the universe of the original, highlighting those already used plot points and weakening Prison Break’s final ending.

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