Wonder Woman Is Incredibly Weak to 1 Gotham Villain (They’re Basically Her Kryptonite)


  • Clayface defeats Wonder Woman by turning her back into clay.
  • Clayface gains a power boost, and he even flies and creates lightning.
  • Wonder Woman enlists Donna Troy’s help to defeat Clayface, using a centrifuge to separate him from her clay.

There’s no denying that when it comes to Batman’s villains, none of them should be able to do anything to Wonder Woman. Diana has complete immunity to poison, so Scarecrow and the Joker wouldn’t be able to do much, and her physical strength is far above Bane or Killer Croc’s. But one Gotham villain can easily take her down: Clayface.

Wonder Woman #160 by Brian K. Vaughan and Scott Kolins features the surprising match-up of Clayface vs. Wonder Woman, and in an even more surprising twist, Wonder Woman completely loses. Clayface captures Diana and breaks Wonder Woman’s body down into the original clay she was made from.

Clayface Tries To Absorb Wonder Woman

Clayface then gains an incredible power boost. Thanks to Wonder Woman, Clayface becomes far stronger, even gaining the ability to fly. For a brief moment, he even seems to have abilities similar to Zeus, such as lightning bolt generation.


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Clayface Not Only Beats Wonder Woman, He Steals Her Powers

Wonder Woman #160 by Brian K. Vaughan, Scott Kolins, Dan Panosian, Pam Rambo, and John Costanza.

Clayface Gains The Power Of Flight

Clayface explains that even though she is human now, Wonder Woman was originally made out of clay. Wonder Woman’s most iconic origins include Hippolyta forming her daughter out of clay, and then Diana is blessed by each of the Greek Goddesses. Clayface reasons that his body could likely break her back down into her original form regardless of how human she is now. Clayface proves to be correct, and while he isn’t able to absorb her entirely, he absorbs enough to become far more powerful than Diana can handle on her own.

Clayface is a surprising weakness for Wonder Woman.

One of the greatest things about comic books is seeing how individual characters who would normally never meet actually interact with one another. It makes perfect sense that Clayface would be a problem for Wonder Woman and could likely absorb her. Just like when Captain Cold and Mr. Freeze finally had a showdown, Mr. Freeze lost completely and utterly — because his technology was built for medicine, while Cold’s was built for destruction. It’s always fun to see how two characters with similar powers interact and play off one another, and this was wonderfully shown here, as Clayface is a surprising weakness for Wonder Woman.

Clayface Easily Defeats Wonder Woman After Absorbing Her Power

Clayface Is the One Batman VIllain Diana Can’t Easily Beat

Comic book panels: Clayface punches Wonder Woman, who is covered in mud.

Wonder Woman eventually beats Clayface, but it isn’t easy. She has to enlist the help of Donna Troy, and together, the two trick Clayface into entering essentially a centrifuge. This strategy separates Clayface from Wonder Woman’s clay, as the two aren’t the same material. With this done, Clayface loses his powers and is quickly sent off to Arkham. While this issue features a fantastic character interaction, it’s surprising that no one else has decided to use Clayface as Wonder Woman’s very own kryptonite.

Wonder Woman #160 is available now from DC Comics!

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