10 Biggest Questions For The Rings Of Power Season 3, And Possible Answers Based On Lord Of The Rings Canon

With The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power season 2 concluded, it’s time to look forward to season 3 and the many questions that will hopefully be answered in the coming episodes. This second installment of the Prime Video series successfully answered several questions from season 1, with details like the identity of the Stranger and Sauron’s plan with Celebrimbor neatly resolved. However, as the Dark Lord created his titular Rings of Power, new mysteries were presented. Thankfully, the Lord of the Rings canon provides some possible answers.

Prime Video’s The Rings of Power has, of course, strayed from Tolkien’s canon in various ways. There’s really no telling precisely what will come next since the story has taken new directions to keep even Lord of the Rings experts on their toes. Still, the events of Tolkien’s Second Age and Frodo’s familiar story in the Third Age provide a foundational outline that Rings of Power must follow. So, with season 2 neatly wrapped up and a brand new installment on the way, Tolkien canon can still be used to guess what could possibly be coming next for Middle-earth.

10 Who Is The Rings Of Power’s Dark Wizard?

The Dark Wizard Has Similarities to Sauron (But Is Probably A Blue Wizard)

The Stranger, who Rings of Power season 2 officially revealed to be Gandalf, met another Istar in Rhûn whose identity has yet to be announced. This Dark Wizard has set up a cult in the East and is determined to take Sauron’s place as Dark Lord (under the guise of joining him). He also mentions that he and Gandalf are one of five Istari sent to Middle-earth, which somewhat limits this character’s true identity options.

The confirmation that there were only five Istari means he must be one of the canon wizards Tolkien mentioned in The Lord of the Rings.

Prior to the final episode of Rings of Power season 2, the Dark Wizard might have been an entirely original character—an invention of Prime Video. However, the confirmation that there were only five Istari means he must be one of the canon wizards Tolkien mentioned in The Lord of the Rings. The Dark Wizard is, therefore, either one of the Blue Wizards or Saruman (since he most definitely isn’t Radagast the Brown). Rings of Power is trying to hint that he is Saruman, given the similarities in their characters. However, the fact that he has revealed his evil intentions to Gandalf indicates that he will be a Blue Wizard instead.

9 What Will Sauron Do Now He Has The Nine Rings For Men?

Sauron Will Likely Travel East & To Númenor

Despite Galadriel and Celebrimbor’s best efforts, Sauron managed to get his hands on the Nine Rings for Men. He was unsuccessful in obtaining Galadriel’s Ring of Power, but the Nine is more than enough for the Dark Lord to get into some mischief. What’s more, Sauron now has the allegiance of Adar’s Orcs since they turned on their “father” and joined their previous enemy.

With an army and the Nine Rings, Sauron is sure to start distributing Celebrimbor’s trinkets to kings and Lords of Men in Rings of Power season 3. Tolkien gave the origin of a few of those who end up wearing the Nine, with three being from Númenor and one from the East. This implies that Sauron will head to these regions in the coming episodes. A trip East will undoubtedly result in a confrontation with the Dark Wizard. Then, a trip to Númenor will lead to Pharazôn’s downfall and the massive wave that wipes out the island kingdom.

8 What Will Durin IV Do With The Dwarven Rings Of Power?

The Rings Eventually Make It To The Other Dwarf Clans

The final episode of The Rings of Power season 2 sees King Durin III finally remove his Ring of Power, but only after freeing the Balrog slumbering below Khazad-dûm. Durin III sacrificed himself to trap the beast in his cavern again, which means that Durin IV is the new king going into Rings of Power season 3. He will have a lot of hard decisions to make in the coming episodes, including what to do with the Seven Dwarven Rings.

While processing his grief, Durin is seen looking at the Seven Dwarf Rings, including the one his father had left behind. Tolkien canon dictates that these will be distributed among the seven Dwarf clans, but it’s difficult to imagine how this will end up happening. Durin III knows how dangerous these Rings are and promised Disa that he will never place one on his finger. So, he himself may never wear one—but the Ring will be passed down his line.

7 When Will Sauron Forge The One Ring?

Rings Of Power May Further Change The Canon Timeline

Now that Sauron has the Seven Rings in the hands of Dwarves and the Nine Rings in his possession, it’s only a matter of time before he makes the One Ring. This is how he will control the beings of Middle-earth, which is key to his plan of creating a perfect word in Rings of Power. Canon dictates that he will do this back in Mordor in the fires of Mount Doom. However, since Prime Video has already shifted the timeline for the 19 other Rings’ creations, it’s difficult to say how the series will handle Sauron’s One Ring.

Since Prime Video has already shifted the timeline for the 19 other Rings’ creations, it’s difficult to say how the series will handle Sauron’s One Ring.

It’s possible that, rather than immediately handing out the Nine, Sauron will jump right to forging his One Ring in Mordor in Rings of Power season 3. This way, he will be ready to control the masses when he heads to Númenor to cause trouble with Pharazôn. Then, when the island kingdom falls and Sauron’s body is destroyed, his essence can return to Mordor and use his tucked-away One Ring to take form again.

6 Who Will Become The Nine Ringwraiths?

Rings Of Power Will Have To Create Identities For The Ringwraiths

Regardless of when Sauron makes his One Ring, the Nine will need to find homes. Of course, we know from Lord of the Rings that the nine kings and lords of Men who wear these gifts are doomed to become the Ringwraiths, terrible beasts whose will and essence is tied securely to the Dark Lord. Tolkien said three of the Ringwraiths were from Númenor, and one was from the East. However, the Lord of the Rings author never revealed the human names of Sauron’s Nazgul.

Tolkien said that the Nine Ringwraiths had long forgotten their names by The Lord of the Rings, so Rings of Power has no choice but to take creative liberties here

Tolkien said that the Nine Ringwraiths had long forgotten their names by The Lord of the Rings, so Rings of Power has no choice but to take creative liberties here. It’s likely that the Prime Video series has already introduced Númenóreans who will receive Rings—with Pharazôn’s son, Kemen, being a possible candidate. Whoever gets the rest of the Rings and suffers the terrible fate of becoming Ringwraiths must be revealed in future episodes.

5 Will The Balrog Under Khazad-dum Return In Rings Of Power?

Rings Of Power May Be Honoring The Timeline After All

Owain Arthur as Durin IV juxtaposed with a Balrog in The Lord of the Rings The Rings of Power
Custom image by Ryan Northrup

Rings of Power surprised audiences back in season 1 with the tease of Khazad-dûm’s Balrog. The series was clearly setting up this beast’s awakening, which would result in the destruction of the Dwarven city and the fall of Durin’s people. However, none of this is supposed to happen in the Second Age. Instead, the Balrog is meant to wake up after Sauron’s downfall at the Last Alliance. While it seemed, for a time, that Rings of Power was moving this timeline up, season 2’s finale sees the Balrog only released briefly before Durin III traps it in its cavern again.

The Balrog of Khazad-dûm becomes known as ”
Durin’s Bane
” since he kills King Durin VI, Prince Durin IV’s grandson.

Durin III’s sacrifice and the fact that Durin IV knows that the Balrog is there implies that this beast will return to his slumber after Rings of Power season 2 and potentially won’t return for the rest of the series. This would line up with canon since the Dwarves don’t awaken the Balrog until Durin IV’s grandson sits on the throne. Rings of Power season 3 should reveal for certain whether the series is sticking to this timeline.

4 Where Are Celeborn & Celebrian?

Celeborn & Celebrian Should Already Be Around By Now

Galadriel mentioned in Rings of Power season 1 that her husband, Celeborn, had passed away during the events of the First Age. This was another significant surprise since Celeborn is alive and well and serving Lothlorien by Galadriel’s side in The Lord of the Rings. Clearly, Galadriel is either mistaken about her husband’s death, or Celeborn will be among those Elves who are reincarnated in Rings of Power. Still, what about Celebrian?

In Lord of the Rings canon, Galadriel and Celeborn have an adult daughter, Celebrian, by the events of Rings of Power. So far, there has been no mention of this character, but since showrunners have already confirmed that Celeborn will make a return, Celebrian is sure to follow. She is destined to marry Elrond, so it can be assumed that she will appear before the series ends. Hopefully, Rings of Power season 3 will provide more answers.

3 Will Nori & Gandalf Reunite?

Gandalf Stays Friends With Halflings, But Does That Include Nori?

The Stranger and Nori met back in Rings of Power season 1, and they have stuck by each other’s side since—until the end of season 2, that is. After the events in Rhûn, the pair decide it’s time to go their separate ways. Nori will join the Stoors on their first migration from the East toward Middle-earth, where they will likely join the Harfoots. The Stranger, AKA Gandalf, will be setting off on his journey to guide Middle-earth against Sauron—but will he ever see Nori again?

In canon, Gandalf first discovered Hobbits during the Long Winter. He was immediately intrigued by their resiliency and strong sense of community during this trying time for the Shire.

Tolkien canon has limited answers in this regard. The Harfoots and Stoors will ultimately migrate Northward, eventually establishing the Shire. Gandalf is a known visitor at the Shire in The Lord of the Rings, but this shouldn’t be for several more centuries. Still, the fact that Gandalf is in Middle-earth during the Second Age is already a shift to Middle-earth’s timeline since he shouldn’t arrive until the start of the Third. So, it’s perfectly possible that Rings of Power will bring Gandalf and Nori together again as the halflings establish their new residency.

2 Will Isildur Return To Númenor (Or Will Elendil Return To Middle-earth)?

They Both End Up In Middle-earth – But What Will Happen First?

As of the end of The Rings of Power season 2, Elendil still believes that Isildur was killed in Middle-earth. Of course, this isn’t the case, and Isildur is trying to get back home. However, Elendil being dubbed a traitor and Isildur being confronted by Kemen makes this far more complicated. At this point, it seems more likely that Elendil will come to Middle-earth and wind up finding his son, especially since canon dictates that these characters’ futures are not in Númenor.

Elendil and Isildur are destined to establish the kingdoms of Gondor and Arnor, according to Lord of the Rings canon, and the story in Rings of Power season 2 seems to be guiding them toward this. Númenor is doomed to be destroyed by the wrath of the Valar, while Elendil becomes king of Men’s greatest kingdom in Middle-earth. He will join the Elves in the Last Alliance of Elves and Men with the goal of defeating Sauron. It’s likely that this ball will get rolling in earnest in Rings of Power‘s next season.

1 What’s Next For Elrond & Galadriel?

Elrond & Galadriel Will Take More Prominent Roles In Middle-earth

Elrond and Galadriel were quite busy in Rings of Power season 2. They were at odds with one another over the Three Elven Rings, faced the Barrow-wights together, were split up when Adar captured Galadriel, and were finally reunited leading up to the Siege of Eregion. Of course, this was just long enough for them to share a surprising kiss as Elrond slipped Galadriel a pin to make her escape. Finally, at the end of Rings of Power season 2, they were again brought back together in the valley where the Elves escaped the devastating battle.

Canon reveals that this valley will become Rivendell, a familiar location to Lord of the Rings fans. Elrond will serve as the lord of this haven, which will be a significant change from his previous roles in Rings of Power. Since the Elves are here in the season 2 finale, season 3 will surely see the beautiful city built up over time. Galadriel is unlikely to stay here for long, however. By this point in the story, she should already be established in Lothlorien, so it’s possible that while Elrond establishes Rivendell, Galadriel will begin building up her own future home. Then, Rings of Power season 3 may need to address that kiss.

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