12 Remote and Flexible Companies With a 4-Day Workweek

Surprised remote worker
AT Production / Shutterstock.com

Editor’s Note: This story originally appeared on FlexJobs.com.

When you think of a full-time role, you likely think of working 40 hours per week — eight hours a day, five days a week to be exact. And it’s understandable, since this work schedule has been the gold standard for about 100 years!

But times are changing. Between the pandemic, the desire for more work-life balance, and the need for more flexibility, employers and employees are rethinking what “full-time work” really means and embracing four-day workweeks.

The Fair Labor Standards Act does not define what full or part-time employment is, explicitly stating, “This is a matter generally to be determined by the employer.”

What the FLSA does say is that nonexempt employees working over 40 hours per week are entitled to overtime pay, which is likely why most employers stick with a 40-hour workweek.

The 40-hour workweek may be on its way out, though. Here’s why, and who is leading the charge.

What Workers Want

A Black woman works remotely on a laptop computer
GaudiLab / Shutterstock.com

The Great Resignation is in full swing as workers search for more flexibility, better work-life balance, or more meaningful work. Several surveys have found that a shorter workweek may hold the key to retaining top talent.

One survey of people aged 22 to 35 who quit their jobs found that 32% would have stayed at their old job had they been offered a four-day workweek. The same survey also found that 80% of all respondents support a four-day workweek.

A second survey found even more support for the four-day workweek. Of the 1,000 respondents:

  • 95.4% want a four-day workweek
  • 90% believe the five-day workweek is outdated
  • 97% think they’d be more productive working four days per week
  • 98% believe their mental health would improve

And to get a four-day workweek, people said they’d give up:

  • Unlimited paid time off (38%)
  • Free, company-provided health care (43%)
  • An eight-hour day by working two additional hours per day (58%)
  • Their current job (74%)

A FlexJobs social media poll found similar results, with 66% stating they’d rather work a four-day workweek than have a 20% pay bump.

Given the growing interest among workers and the benefits of a short workweek (like increased productivity and worker satisfaction), companies across the globe are experimenting with shorter workweeks. And some are making the switch permanent.

“In today’s changing work landscape, it’s no surprise shorter workweeks are getting so much attention,” says Brie Reynolds, Career Development Manager at FlexJobs. “When we think about the future of work, this sentiment signals the importance of healthy work-life balance and the role job flexibility plays in achieving it.”

To help job seekers connect with companies offering four-day workweeks, FlexJobs has identified 12 remote companies with recent postings in the FlexJobs database that either currently have or plan to offer shorter workweeks.

You’ll also find some details about the company’s workweek policy. Please note that each company has varying ways of carrying out its four-day workweek policies in regards to days and hours.

1. Basecamp

fizkes / Shutterstock.com

Seasonal four-day workweek offered since May 2008

Recent remote job postings:

2. Bolt

Laptop worker
chatursunil / Shutterstock.com

Offering a four-day workweek since September 2021

Recent remote job postings:

  • Vice President, Product Marketing
  • Social Media Specialist

3. Buffer

Marketing manager
Pixel-Shot / Shutterstock.com

Offering a four-day workweek since May 2020

Recent remote job postings:

  • Talent Acquisition and Onboarding Manager
  • Senior Product Marketing Manager

4. DNSFilter

Happy remote worker
fizkes / Shutterstock.com

Rotating four-day workweek offered since October 2021

Recent remote job postings:

  • Digital Marketing Specialist
  • Sales Operations Manager

5. G2i

Financial manager
Amnaj Khetsamtip / Shutterstock.com

Biweekly four-day workweeks; experimenting with a permanent four-day workweek

Recent remote job postings:

  • Account Manager
  • React-Redux Engineer

6. GooseChase

antoniodiaz / Shutterstock.com

Following a four-day workweek since June 2021

Recent remote job postings:

  • Head of People
  • Senior Full Stack Engineer

7. Kickstarter

Older woman working
insta_photos / Shutterstock.com

Plans to trial a four-day workweek in 2022

Recent remote job postings:

  • Director of People
  • Senior Product Counsel

8. Nectafy

Businessman studying technology jobs
Friends Stock / Shutterstock.com

Offering a four-day workweek since February 2020

Recent remote job postings:

  • Growth Content Editor
  • Business Development Representative

9. Panasonic

A female accountant works from home
Roman Samborskyi / Shutterstock.com

Optional four-day workweek offered since January 2022

Recent remote job postings:

  • Marketing Manager
  • Staff Accountant

10. Praytell

Graphic designer or artist
Pressmaster / Shutterstock.com

Trialing a four-day workweek since October 2021

Recent remote job postings:

  • Creative Director – Creative Strategy
  • Designer

11. thredUP

Woman working on her taxes
Prostock-studio / Shutterstock.com

Offering a four-day workweek since 2021

Recent remote job postings:

  • VP of People Operations and Total Rewards
  • Revenue Manager – Deal Desk

12. Uncharted

Woman thinking at her laptop
ESB Professional / Shutterstock.com

Seasonal four-day workweek offered since June 2020

Recent remote job postings:

  • Marketing Associate
  • Program Manager

How to Find a 4-Day Workweek

Older woman working remotely
DisobeyArt / Shutterstock.com

To help job seekers land a job at companies with four-day workweeks, the FlexJobs career coaching team has the following tips.

1. Research and Connect

Thanks to the heightened interest in shorter workweeks, more companies may soon make the shift to a four-day workweek. To stay in the know, keep track of which companies are embracing the trend.

Resources like Bolt’s Conscious Culture Initiative and this growing list from BuildRemote are great places to start. When you find companies that support four-day workweeks, head over to their career page and sign up for new job posting alerts via email. There may not be something for you right now, but you never know what the future holds!

2. Search and Save Keywords

In addition to researching companies, keyword searches can also help you connect with these companies. However, it’s crucial to search for the correct keywords using quotation marks.

Use a few keyword variations in your search, then set up alerts, so you’re notified when new positions matching your search terms are posted. Some search term examples are:

  • “Four day work week”
  • “4 day workweek”
  • “Compressed workweek”
  • “Short work week”
  • “Reduced hours”
  • “32 hour workweek”

3. Highlight Your Short Workweek Skills

While tailoring your application to the job you’re applying for is always a smart move, to help you land a four-day workweek role, highlight your relevant four-day workweek skills. Include details about previous experience with short workweeks, like working flexible hours or only working 30 hours a week.

If you don’t have direct experience with a shortened workweek, you can highlight the specific skills that demonstrate you can go from a 40-hour workweek to a shorter one without missing a beat. Mention your strengths in:

  • Time and task management
  • Ability to prioritize (and deprioritize)
  • Communication skills (written and verbal)
  • Organizational skills
  • Productivity tricks

Disclosure: The information you read here is always objective. However, we sometimes receive compensation when you click links within our stories.

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