3 Dab Rig Buying Tips You Need To Know – Enterprise Podcast Network

Most people smoke cannabis flowers using a high-quality glass bong or pipe. However, if you’re looking to get the most potent effects out of your cannabis concentrates, you’ll have to dive into cannabis dabbing. And in this case, you’ll want to know how to choose your dab rig. 

We’re sharing the basics of a dab rig with this article and some tips to help you buy the best one for the ultimate dabbing session. 

Source: Unsplash

Understanding Dabbing And Dab Rigs

Dabs are cannabis concentrates and are one of the most potent ways to consume Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Instead of smoking a large amount of cannabis flower, a single dab should be enough to enjoy its effects. They come in several forms, including crumble, shatter, oil, and wax. Check this article to learn more dabbing information.

Unlike traditional cannabis smoking, dabs are heated at high temperatures and inhaled. A specially designed dab rig is used for this purpose. Usually made of glass, a dab rig has three components:

  • A nail
  • Dabber tool
  • A central piece

To use a dab rig, light the dab nail via a blow torch and apply the dab for instant vaporization. Then, you take a deep hit from the mouthpiece and enjoy the effects of cannabis

How To Choose The Best Dab Rig

If you wish to try dabbing, you need to invest in a quality dab rig. Below are three tips to consider when shopping for a dab rig. 

The cost of dab rigs can vary widely, depending on the materials and style. So, before choosing a dab rig, set aside a budget. By knowing how much you can spend, you can narrow down your options, saving you time searching for the right one. 

There’s no need to choose the most expensive dab rig on the market if you’re not using it often. So, before buying, consider how often you dab. If you’re dabbing daily, you need to invest in a dab rig that can keep up with your lifestyle. If you choose a smaller dab rig, but you use it more often, you’ll have a hard time cleaning it every time. 

If you know you can’t dab more often, you need to avoid the bigger, complicated dab rigs that seasoned dabbers use. 

  • Check The Different Types

You can find dab rigs in different styles and types. So, check them out and compare the various types to decide which one fits your needs. Some rigs feature a simple, practical design, while others have a more intricate design with extra features. 

Here are some of the different types of rigs available:

The traditional glass dab rigs come in various sizes and shapes. They’re often made of borosilicate glass, designed to be more heat-resistant and durable. In general, glass dab rigs are pretty versatile and most suited for those just getting started on dabbing.

These are simply smaller versions of regular dab rigs, suitable for travel or if you don’t want the bulky traditional rigs. Despite its small size, a mini rig can give you a massive hit without sacrificing smoothness for convenience. 

A recycler dab rig got its name from its unique design that allows it to recycle the smoke through the tubes and percolator multiple times before it reaches you. This type of dab rig is often large and features beautiful designs that allow you to watch the smoke recycling action. 

Electric dab rigs, or e-rigs for short, are the most convenient and portable rigs available. Even smaller than your regular mini rigs, e-rigs can easily fit in your pocket. You can take it apart for quick and easy cleaning or make it fit in carrying kits. E-rigs use rechargeable batteries that allow for an easy and quick setup and will enable you to change the temperature accurately. 

Probably the cheapest type available, a silicone dab rig is nearly indestructible and can work with quartz and glass accessories. Some silicone rigs can be taken apart for easy packing and cleaning, and most are even dishwasher-safe. 


The cannabis world continues to grow as more people find new ways to enjoy its incredible benefits. Today, dabbing has become one of the most sought-after methods of consuming cannabis, thanks to the clean, powerful results it offers. 

Getting the perfect dab will depend on the dab rig you choose. Choosing your first dab rig doesn’t have to be complicated. Follow the tips above to choose the best dab rig for your needs and enjoy a comfortable and unforgettable dabbing experience. 

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