5 Tips to Grow Your Home Services Business in 2022


The home services industry has faced a great deal of difficulty in the past couple of years. When the pandemic was in full swing, the idea of letting strangers into one’s home was out of the question. Plumbers, landscapers, electricians, and many other services were amongst the business casualties of coronavirus.

But now things are getting better. The risks are considerably lower, and our lives are no longer being put on hold due to all the rules and regulations. For entrepreneurs in the home services game, now is the time to start growing your business and outshining all the competition. And there is a lot of competition. Due to urbanization and the rise of the internet, there is more demand for home services than ever before. Having a tradesperson come to your home to fix a fault appliance or upgrade your home allows for optimum convenience in a busy society.

So what can you do to grow your business and raise awareness of your brand? Here are five tips to put you on the path to success.

Build your online presence

89% of all customers begin their buying journey with an online search. So if you are not making full use of the internet then you could be missing out on a world of opportunities. As well as having a website, you need to be making the most of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to give information to your customers and to promote your brand. Post regularly to grow your following, and engage with your customers online. 

Optimize your website

Most people use their phones to make purchases and browse for services these days, so your website needs to be responsive and mobile-friendly. If a potential customer is searching for a home services company, lands on your website, and finds it is badly formatted, hard to navigate, and slow to load, they will soon click off and look for a competitor. 

Create content

The most effective way to generate leads and customers online is through great content. It’s not enough to shout about your own brand and services online, as this will only benefit your existing customers and may actively turn people away from your company. You should be creating educational, interesting, and entertaining content in the form of blogs, videos, and social media posts.

Offer peace of mind

The pandemic is still very much on people’s minds, and there are plenty of people out there who are vulnerable and cautious about infection. You need to reassure people that they are safe when you visit their homes and will follow all necessary precautions to protect your customers from harm.

Consider different marketing channels

There are so many different marketing and promotional channels out there for home services businesses to use. As well as blogs and social media, you could be leveraging email marketing lists or home service direct mail marketing. Do some research to identify the various opportunities available and figure out which ones would be most suitable for your particular business.

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