Biden Order: HUD to Study LBGTQ Protections

An Executive Order issued on LGBTQ protection requires HUD to identify housing issues, provide guidance and create training under a goal-specific timeline.

WASHINGTON – On Wednesday, President Joe Biden issued the Executive Order on Advancing Equality for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and Intersex Individuals (LGBTQI). It’s a government-wide mandate for change. Housing is part of that mandate under goals and achievement timelines for the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

In the Executive Order, Biden says it’s the “policy of my Administration to combat unlawful discrimination and eliminate disparities that harm LGBTQI+ individuals and their families, defend their rights and safety, and pursue a comprehensive approach to delivering the full promise of equality for LGBTQI+ individuals, consistent with Executive Order 13988 of January 20, 2021 (Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation).”

The lengthy order creates goals for many government agencies and addresses specific topics independently, such as health and human services, the justice system and “so-called conversion therapy.”

HUD goals in the Executive Order

HUD shall establish a Working Group on LGBTQI+ Homelessness and Housing Equity that will aim to prevent and address homelessness and housing instability among LGBTQI+ individuals. HUD is to:

  • Identify and address barriers to housing faced by LGBTQI+ Americans … that place them at high risk of housing instability and homelessness
  • Provide guidance and technical assistance to HUD contractors, grantees and programs to effectively and respectfully serving LGBTQI+ people
  • Develop and provide guidance, sample policies, technical assistance and training to Continuums of Care, homeless service providers and housing providers to improve services and outcomes for LGBTQI+ … to ensure compliance with the Fair Housing Act, 42 U.S.C. 3601 et seq., and HUD’s 2012 and 2016 Equal Access Rules
  • Seek funding opportunities, including through the Youth Homelessness Demonstration Program, for culturally appropriate services that address barriers to housing for LGBTQI+ Americans.

The federal agencies included in the Executive Order generally have 30 days to create a subcommittee to begin work on collecting sexual orientation, gender identity and sex characteristics (SOGI) data.

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