Emma Barratt Springs into action as the newest franchisee of the Cleanhome franchise

Spring is coming and it’s time for a new broom and a thorough clean. Better still dozens of new brooms and plenty of new ‘Cleanhomes’ across the South Derbyshire region as Emma starts a Cleanhome franchise this month.


Emma has extensive experience in sales and marketing in the corporate and retail industry where she worked until 2018, after which she wanted more work-life flexibility to raise a young family.  She started a very successful marketing consultancy business in 2018 and has been on the look-out for a new challenge, something to build as a complimentary business to her successful consultancy business.


We asked Emma: ‘What attracted you to add a Cleanhome franchise to your marketing portfolio?’


Cleanhome new franchiseeShe let us know that:


‘I have friends that are flourishing franchise owners so I had some insider knowledge! I know that Cleanhome is underpinned by a very successful business model, however I did my due diligence and read up on the company and the benefits outlined in the Cleanhome news blog by franchisees such as Roger Johnson in Hayward Heath, as well as Adam and Andrea in St Albans. I am certain that this venture will allow me to enhance my work-life balance as the support framework, business stability and of course the potential high level of earnings will complement my current business with the minimum of risk involved.’


Emma was keen to add:


‘I’m very excited to be part of the Cleanhome team, I’m 3 weeks in and it’s going extremely well so far.  The start-up and induction process are particularly well organised. Couple this with the intuitive nature of the GENESYS, the Cleanhome software management system, and this has made it straightforward for me to get up and running. I’m so looking forward to supporting the local community and taking the pressure off their homelife through supplying reliable and diligent cleaners.’


Karen Kelly, (Founder of Cleanhome) who is passionate that the business continues to extend its reach and provide a much-needed service across all corners of the UK, commented that: “Emma is a perfect fit; she has a sales and marketing background and I am excited to see where she takes the business.”

If you want to learn more about the Cleanhome Franchise, you should visit their franchise listing using Franchise UK today.

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