Every Death In From Season 3 Explained

Warning: There are spoilers ahead for From season 3, episodes 1-5.

From has never been unafraid to kill its characters, and this has continued into season 3, where no one, not even prominent and fan-favorite characters, is safe. It was established from the very beginning in season 1, as From‘s horrific monsters savagely killed Meagan Pratt (Bella Martin) and her young daughter, Lauren Pratt (Ann Doyle), during the show’s cold open. The brutality continued with Bing-Qian Liu (Simon Sinn), Frank Pratt (Bob Mann), Nathan Myers (Paul Zinno), one of the most prominent characters, Father Khatri (Shaun Majumder), and many others dying as season 1 unfolded.

Season 2 amplified the threats that From‘s cast of characters faced in the Town as many of the residents began to experience disturbing hallucinations that ended in death. Thanks to Boyd Stevens (Harold Perrineau), the source of those lethal hallucinations has been seemingly neutralized, but this victory comes with consequences, as the monsters and the Town itself have become more ruthless and manipulative than ever before. From characters who have been beloved series regulars since season 1 to those only recently introduced in the newest episodes, season 3 once again has a heavy death toll.

4 Tian-Chen Liu

Played By Elizabeth Moy

Tian-Chen Liu (Elizabeth Moy) was the first death in From season 3 and the most devastating to occur yet in the series. She has always been one of From‘s best characters and has proven to be a pillar of the community, which is partly why the monsters targeted her specifically in season 3, episode 1. After the monsters freed the Township’s animals, Tian-Chen and Boyd helped round up the escaped animals and brought them back to the barn, where several of the monsters were already waiting for them, and proceeded to restrain both Boyd and Tian-Chen.


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Boyd was forced to watch and tried to speak comforting words to Tian-Chen as her head was ripped open, and the monsters feasted on her body. This set the tone for the monsters escalating their cruelty in retaliation against Boyd for claiming the Town could not break him. Not since Father Khatri’s death in season 1 has there been a character death this prominent, and this one was even more gut-wrenching to watch than what happened to Father Khatri. Boyd, Tian-Chen’s son, Kenny (Ricky He), Jade (David Alpay), and every individual in the Town were left heartbroken.

Boyd has been speaking to a vision of the deceased Father Khatri.

While this loss was deeply tragic for everyone, it has been particularly hard on Kenny, who has now lost both of his parents to the monsters. Kenny was not even in the Town when Tian-Chen was killed because he was in the forest with Jim Matthews (Eion Bailey) as Jim continued to search for his wife, Tabitha Matthews (Catalina Sandino Moreno). From twisted the knife even further by having Kenny and Jim find healthy crops that ensure the Township’s residents will not starve, only for Kenny to return and discover that his mother was murdered by the monsters.


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How Tian-Chen died speaks to her character as she chose to leave the safety of her house at night to save as many animals as possible. She knew that after all the crops went rotten, they could not afford to lose the only remaining food source available to them. Even when Boyd told Tian-Chen that she had done enough and that she needed to go back, she insisted on staying with him and working together to get the animals into the barn. Tian-Chen died risking her life to help the community and to give them a future.

3 The Paramedics

Played By Kym Wyatt McKenzie And Calem MacDonald

After Tabitha and Henry (Robert Joy) were in a car accident in From season 3, episode 3, they were put in an ambulance with two paramedics aboard. When the ambulance ended up in the Town, the two paramedics went to help a seemingly unconscious woman lying facedown in the street despite Tabitha imploring them not to do so. The woman was one of the monsters who proceeded to slash the paramedics’ bodies open after they turned her over, leaving them to bleed out and die in the streets.

Their deaths are another example of how much the monsters enjoy toying with their prey, with the sport of it being even more important than the actual kills.

Given all the medical crises that happen in the Town, the paramedics could have been quite helpful. Instead, they become the monsters’ latest victims. Their deaths are another example of how much the monsters enjoy toying with their prey, with the sport of it being even more important than the actual kills. The monsters took advantage of the paramedics’ penchant for helping others, luring them out of their ambulance, and causing them to lower their guard when they turned the woman over, only for her to transform into her monstrous form and have the paramedics’ flesh cut open seconds later.

Even though the paramedics are dead and cannot directly assist Kristi (Chloe Van Landschoot) or Marielle (Kaelen Ohm) with solving any medical problems, the ambulance they arrived in is arguably even more valuable to the Township’s residents. Kristi and Marielle can use the medical resources aboard the ambulance to help their patients. They did not deserve to die in such a gruesome and horrific manner, plus the resources that came with the ambulance are now lost.

2 Nicky

Played By Tamara Fifield

Nicky was a Colony House resident introduced in season 3. She made a negative first impression by banging on the bathroom door and yelling at the pregnant and sick Fatima (Pegah Ghafoori) to get out because she was taking too long. Nicky later apologized to Fatima for yelling at her, with Fatima accepting her apology and acknowledged that everyone is on edge these days. Nicky’s story continued two episodes after that when Officer Acosta (Samantha Brown) arrived in Town aboard an ambulance and saw the monsters kill the paramedics.


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Acosta panicked and began firing her gun at the monsters. Unfortunately, Nicky was a casualty of Acosta’s panicked shooting, as Nicky was peering at the commotion out a Colony House window when one of the stray bullets hit her. Marielle tried to save Nicky’s life by taking the bullet out and stabilizing her bleeding, but the bullet had already done too much damage, and the wound proved to be lethal. Nicky’s death makes Acosta an outcast as the first impression she gave was that she was a police officer who shot and killed an innocent civilian.

In addition to the impact on Acosta and how she is perceived, Nicky’s death makes her part of one of From‘s most disturbing storylines when Fatima begins consuming her blood. Fatima was already eating rotten vegetables as a result of her strange pregnancy cravings, but her appetite went to another level entirely by sticking her fingers inside Nicky’s bullet wound and drawing out fresh blood from her corpse. Consuming blood from Nicky’s body makes it even clearer that something is seriously wrong with Fatima’s pregnancy and that something more sinister than a healthy human baby is growing inside of her.

1 Dale

Played By Cliff Saunders

Dale (Cliff Saunders) has been a frequent complainer since he was introduced as an irritable Colony House resident. His complaining led him to try to leave the town through the faraway bottle tree, the same tree Tabitha went through to reach the lighthouse. This did not work out for Dale, as instead of being transported to the lighthouse, he was transported inside the wall of the Town’s abandoned pool and died painfully and gruesomely as onlookers watched in horror.

Cliff Saunders is married to Elizabeth Saunders, who plays Donna Raines in

Dale’s death in From season 3, episode 5 is a reminder of what can happen when rushing into ill-conceived plans, which was what Boyd was trying to prevent from happening after the meeting at the diner. The Town is cruel and has made it clear that no one will escape the same way Tabitha did. Victor (Scott McCord) explained in season 1 that faraway trees are unpredictable in where they send someone, and this proved to be the case with Dale. No one else will be jumping into a faraway tree now after seeing what this did to Dale.

Every time the characters think they have the Town figured out and have experienced the worst it can do to them, they are confronted with an even more terrifying reality.

Before Dale went through the faraway tree, he emphasized to Jade and Tabitha that after he escaped, he was going to return with help and save them, and that they would thank him. Dale died trying to help not only himself but others as well, only to be met with a fate more unimaginable than anything that has happened so far. Every time the characters think they have the Town figured out and have experienced the worst it can do to them, they are confronted with an even more terrifying reality.


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Dale was far from the most beloved individual in the Town, but he was still part of the Colony House community. The look on Donna’s face when she saw Dale encased in the pool showed how upset she was to see this happen to him. She and Dale had their fair share of arguments, but they were ultimately friends. Donna has already talked about not knowing how much more they can take and that was before she saw Dale suffer this fate. He has now become a cautionary tale and is solidified as one of From‘s most memorable deaths.

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