Integrating Your SEO Strategy into Your Small Business Plans

If you think of SEO as something that only large businesses need, think again. SEO is important even if your business is small and your reach is local. To get the most out of your SEO strategy, it needs to be consistent with your overall business plan.

Local SEO

Technical Specs

You don’t have to have a cutting-edge website, but you do need something that is well-designed and that meets certain standards, such as being secure and loading within a certain time. Even if you are a one-person business, it is worth budgeting some money to have a professional design your site to ensure that you have the right structure in place.

If you prefer, most designers can set it up so that it is easy for you to add content and can be available for troubleshooting if necessary. To run a successful marketing campaign, you need to start with your brand management and visibility.

Quality Content

Gone are the days when low content keyword stuffing would get you to the top of Google’s rankings. These days, you need to have quality content, and the choices that you make when it comes to developing your content are inherently linked with how you run your business overall. After all, you want your content and ultimately your brand to accurately reflect your company.

Content can be about your industry, new products, or services you are rolling out, or even about elements of how you run your company.

If one of the values that is central to your company’s brand is safety, then some of your blog posts or other content might be about ways that this is reinforced within the company itself. You might write about using live streaming dash cams with your company fleet to help provide feedback on safety in real time while also ensuring there are privacy protections for drivers in place.

You could write about other elements of your company operation as well or do profiles of employees. This can give a personal feel to your content and can in turn help readers feel more connected to your company.

Maintain Current Contact Information

There are various tools that can help you locate your business on Google Maps. To get your contact information distributed effectively online, you should understand structured data, which is a format for entering standard information that makes it easier to index your business.

You can get a tool that helps you with this as well. Be consistent in all your listing when it comes to your company name, address and phone number.

Get Involved

You also want to get people talking about you. You can link to other businesses and reviews and have them link back to you. This remains an important element in getting higher rankings. As is the case with the content on your site, your social media needs to reflect your brand.

Think about the image you want to project when you set up your social media accounts. What is your niche? What ideas or images do you want people to associate your company with? Those accounts can be an excellent way to raise your profile and drive more traffic to your site.

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