Interested in Becoming Your Own Boss? Here’s How to Get Started…

You may have always thought of becoming your own boss one day. For many, the dream began when they were young, as they watched a close family member who owned their own business. For others, the idea to go entrepreneurial often occurs after a moment of inflection. Perhaps they’ve been downsized once too often. Or maybe the situation presents itself in a way that can’t be turned down. While there are many pathways to eventually become your own boss, they all lead to the same essential destination – an entrepreneurial future that belongs solely to you.

If you’re like many folks out there, you already have some form of interest in a future such as this – but you may be struggling to get the ball rolling on your plans. If this is you, FranNet of California has some helpful advice to share in our latest blog post:

Make Some Key Determinations

There are three ways to become your own boss. You can start from scratch, buy an existing business, or franchise your way to company ownership. And though the types are endless when it comes to business ownership, you simply have to start somewhere. Begin with a question that gets right to the point – what type of business do you want to own? Whatever it is, it’s almost certain that there is a franchising model that can offer you a real head start in the process. You can review hundreds of franchise concepts available by following this link to the FranNet Brand Directory.

Discover Your Investment Tolerance

Starting a business of your own requires an investment. While some already have seed money, the majority of entrepreneurs will need to secure funding. Among the first steps to take involve getting your financial affairs in order. Seek updated information on your credit score, assets, and discover your net worth. This is no different than pre-qualifying for a home – you’re simply looking to determine your level of financial tolerance. If you decide to go the franchising route, you’ll have business models that run the entire spectrum of investment levels (another key advantage). If you require financing or help funding your venture, explore all of your options and determine the most advisable approach. This is another area where FranNet’s advice and resources are invaluable.

Goal Setting

If you truly want to become your own boss, you’ll need to set measurable goals for your progress throughout the process. Make each step an actionable requirement and prioritize your effort into phases. It’s been said that the best goals are ones where you actually write them down to follow. Determine how often you’ll check in on your progress and get moving. Then check in!

If you’ve made it this far, and franchising seems like the most appealing option for business ownership, there are many advantages to partnering with FranNet to guide you through the process. First and foremost, we’re educators. We can save you tons of time, money, and effort by helping you navigate your way to business ownership through franchising. How do we do what we do? There’s a simple, 7-step process that we implement, which you can view by following this link.

Let’s Chat!

If you’d like to review your options for franchise ownership, we’d love to be your guide and navigator. Meetings with FranNet of California are always no-cost and no-obligation to you. Our role and function is to be your guide, allowing you to make your own informed decisions on the direction you want to go. Over time, we’ve had the opportunity to work with hundreds of entrepreneurs in California who ended up owning the business of their dreams – and we can do the same for you. Getting started with FranNet of California is easy, and you can book an introductory session with us by following this link.

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