Protect Sellers with Home-Showing Safety Plan

Strangers coming into their house? Remind sellers to hide valuables, prescription drugs and kids’ photos – and to check window locks after each buyer’s visit.

NEW YORK – Robert Siciliano, CEO of Credit Parent, says real estate professionals need to remind prospective home sellers about taking safety precautions.

While sellers may not need a warning to hide their valuables before an open house or showing, they should also be warned to remove their medications and to hide any knife blocks in the kitchen. It’s also important to remove any photos of children to curb risk.

In addition, agents should check visitors’ IDs and ask them to sign in, and they should discourage sellers from offering tours on their own. At times, a “for sale” sign in the yard entices some potential buyers to knock on the front door and ask to see the home, and sellers put themselves at risk if they allow a stranger – who might not really be a buyer – to enter.

It’s also important to discuss potential scams to homeowners, such as criminals who might re-post their home on sites like Craigslist and advertise it as another sale or a rental.

Another warning for sellers: Tell them to check that every door and window is locked after a showing. Sometimes people come into the home and secretly unlock a window or door, so they can return later to break in.

Source: Inman (08/09/22) Siciliano, Robert

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