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When winter approaches, many homeowners face risks from frozen pipes. When temperatures drop, water expands as it freezes. Take timely action to avoid the following hazards from burst plumbing.

Frozen Pipes Lead to Water Damage

Water damage is one of the leading insurance claims made by homeowners every year. Statistics also show 250,000 households in the U.S. experience a frozen plumbing incidence. It is worth noting, pipes don’t always freeze when the temperatures drop below 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Insulation and the piping’s containment usually keep it from bursting.


However, plumbing can rapture if in unconditioned spaces or when temperatures drop below 20 degrees. The damage can be extensive, ruining walls and causing mold infestation.

You may notice the peeling paint or streaks of mold spores on walls and the ceiling. Moisture saturation could weaken the structure of the building and its foundation. Eliminate high costs of plumbing repair by ensuring your plumbing has adequate insulation.

Burst Pipes Can Contaminate Your Water Supply

Unless you address freezing pipes on time, your plumbing will start leaking. Leakages not only waste resources, but they pose a contamination hazard in your home. The pressure from the mains forces the water through the pipe’s leak. But when there is a pressure drop, water moves in the opposite direction.

The change in pressure can occur when there is a spike in demand from fire hydrants and nearby industries. Your plumbing then draws in contaminated water from around the leakage into your home’s water supply.

Water quality tests show leaking pipes often introduce contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, and human waste. Waterborne pathogens like salmonella and E. coli can cause severe symptoms. We recommend fixing cracks in your plumbing as soon as you spot them to protect your home from health hazards.

Risk of Injury or Electrocution

Burst pipes can cause flooding in different parts of your home, such as your basement, bathroom, or workshop. When your plumbing ruptures, you may find yourself wading through knee-deep water.

Flooding often poses multiple hazards in your home. There is the danger of drowning and electrocution as you try to access some parts of the building. Flooding may lead to severe injuries, or in extreme cases death, from short circuits or electrical faults.

Conclusively, it is always advisable to pay attention to the signs of frozen pipes in winter. As your plumbing starts leaking, you will be dealing with high utility bills and recurring plumbing repairs. Taking steps to prevent freezing will extend the life of the piping and protect your family’s health.

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